10- New Kids

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"Psst. Ven." I hear a whisper interrupt my slumber.

"No." My voice is groggy from sleep, and my eyes are close as I try to push away the source of the voice.

"Come on Ven you have to get up. We have school." He taps my shoulder.

I groan blindly searching for my phone in my bed, and when I find it I bring it close to my face, "Hey Siri." I whisper, "Text dad there's a strange man in my room."

"Message sent." When I hear the familiar sound of the software's voice I drop the phone, and go back to sleep.

I hear an agitated sigh before I feel the covers about the be lifted. "Don't. I have no bottoms." I say in terrible, groggy Scottish accent.

There was silence before I hear movement, and I feel something soft being laid over my bare legs under the comforter.

I feel him throw the comforter off of me, but the cool air never touched my legs. Peeking through one eye I see a white cover covering my bottom half.

August's arms slither under the back of my knee and the middle of my back before he picks me up bridal style with the cover still over my legs.

"I'm gonna drop you off in the bathroom, and your going to get ready for school." He saids softly and I give him a lazy nod with a thumbs up, but before he could take a step my bedroom door bust opens.

August's arms pull me tighter to his chest, and I unwillingly open my eyes standing in a fighting stance as he holds a bat in his hands.

My dad stills as he observes the scene, and when his eyes land on me and August his shoulders drop as he releases a sigh in relief.

"You said there was a strange man in your room!" He drops the bat letting it hang lazily in his hand.

I nod, "Yea, and there is." I gesture to the person holding me in his arms.

"August?" My dad turns to him for an answer.

"I was trying to wake her up for school." He states, and my dad lets out a heavy sigh before he leaves.

"You called your dad on me?" He asked offended.

"What? No." I scoff, "I texted."

He chuckles setting me down in the bathroom before closing the door; leaving me to get ready.

I do the usual brush my teeth, wash my face, etc. 

"Shorts or jeans?" I hear August ask from the other side of the door.

"Jeans." I answer as I dry my face, and seconds later the door creeks open and August hand holds out some clothes for me.

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