41- Party

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I woke up when I felt a heavy weight laying on top of me, pushing me further into the mattress

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I woke up when I felt a heavy weight laying on top of me, pushing me further into the mattress.

I groan nuzzling my face further into my silk pillowcase as warm arms circle around my torso before flutters were stamped on my neck through the soft lips of my boyfriend.

I tried to turn on my back to get him off of me but he was too heavy with all his weight pressed on me.

"Gotta get up, Ven. We got school today." August murmurs against my neck.

Incoherent words spew from my lips with an annoyed groan as I try to swat him away. He sighs getting off of me, relieving me from his weight.

I relax trying to reclaim my sleep. I was a fool to think he would just let me sleep and leave me alone. A damn fool.

The covers were yanked off of me letting cold air attack me. I lazily open my eyes glaring at my smiling boyfriend above me, "We're over." I grumble trying to pull up the covers.

"No." He holds onto the covers pulling them farther away until they were almost off my bed, "And not funny."

"I wanna sleep, Augs." I huff, giving up on trying to reach the covers I lay back down turning my head away from him.

"I know but we got school, baby." I feel him take off my bonnet before he kisses my cheek.

I roll my eyes, "Ouuu I'mma beat you up." I promised getting up from the bed.

He chuckles slapping my ass as I walk pass him, "That's okay, baby. As long as you're on top while you're doing it."

I mock him under my breath as I prepare to brush my teeth. Thanksgiving break is over and now we have to go to school- it's like giving a baby a lollipop for nine minutes then taking it away.

After I finished brushing my teeth, washing my face, and getting dressed in the outfit August picked out for me I get ready to do my makeup.

"Get up." I lightly hit his shoulder standing next to him as he's sitting on my vanity stool.

With one hand on my waist he pulls me to his lap enclosing his arms around his waist.

"Maybe if I woke you up with my mouth on your pussy you'd have a better morning." He smirks with raised eyebrows at me.

"Maybe." I shrugged applying concealer under my eyes before blending it.

"Bet." Was all he said as he rest his chin on my shoulder watching as I do the rest of my makeup through the mirror.


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