32- Wet Dreams

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"August, Please!" My beg was between a whine and a moan as I wrap my arms lazily around his neck

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"August, Please!" My beg was between a whine and a moan as I wrap my arms lazily around his neck.

"Patience, baby. Patience." He murmurs against the skin of my neck as lays small kisses, his tip nudging my entrance.

I gasp when he slides into me gripping my thighs, feeling surreal amount of pleasure. August hisses through his teeth as he slowly push all of him into me.

"You okay?" He ask, his head falling into the crook of my neck.

"Yes." I exhale, trying to gather my thoughts that have seemed to disappear.

August moves his hips back slowly sliding out of me until only his tip was left, before slowly moving forward.

The movement was causing such an ecstasy my head was spinning as August was increasing the pace.

"Fuck, Delani." He moaned my name.

My moans mixed with his filling the room, my nails dig into his back dragging down the back of his shoulder blades.

My cut coils as the pleasure increases and I arch my back, craving the feeling of him.

I moan as the feeling began to become too intense, "Oh my- August! I'm gonna-"

My eyes popped open as I jerk awake, my breathing heavy, and the fabric of my underwear damp between my legs.

I let out of breath as I relax against my mattress, staring at the my dark ceiling. My whole room was a cast of shadows since it was still dark out.

I wipe the beads of sweat from my forehead, and I pull the covers off of me as my body heat was rising feeling the damp fabric between my legs.

When I finally catch my breath I look around my dark room, and my eyes land on the window. More like to figure in the window.

My heart jumps at the shadow silhouette on the other side of the glass. Luckily my blinds were closed and my window was shut, unfortunately it wasn't lock and with one lift the figure could enter my room.

I huff out a laugh when I completely ignore the possibility of it being August. The thought let's my heart rate to slow down along with my breathing.

Smiling I take my phone, I wince as the bright light of the screen shines causing my eyes to water, I turn down the brightness blinking away the tears.

I go to my calm log and press the August's contact, and the quite ringing hums before he answers.

"Ven?" His voice groggy, making visions of my wet dream flash into my mind.

"What're you doing outside? You know you can come in." I whisper trying not to wake my parents.

"What're you talking about?"

My heart lurches in fear that's suddenly encasing my body and I let out a shudder breath, "You're not outside my window?"

My eyes stay trained of the shadow that was barely moving, and it feels like the walls of my throat were swelling.

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