38- Baby Talk

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At least half filled gymnasium was buzzing with chatter, the sound of basketball players running across the gym, and their shoes screeching across the floor

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At least half filled gymnasium was buzzing with chatter, the sound of basketball players running across the gym, and their shoes screeching across the floor.

"Let's go Smith! Block him!" Coach yells from the sidelines in front of the bleachers.

"Rowan's defense is perfect. It's the offense that's all over the place like he doesn't know where to go." Akari grumbles eating a chip from her nachos.

"Since when do you speak basketball?" I chuckle.

"High School Musical." She answers shortly.

"Look at you being a professional and what not." I tease bumping my shoulder with hers as she tries not to smile.

"Shouldn't you be down there? Being assistant coach and all?" She ask nodding towards the single row of chairs were our school players sit when they're not in the game.

"I'm on break." I said.

She looks at me doubtfully, "I don't think that's how that works."

"We're in the fourth period with only twenty seconds left on the clock, I'm good." I said gesturing to the scoreboard.

August intercepts a pass from the opposing team and passes it to one of his teammates closest to the basket. The player shoots and the ball swishes into the basket. We won.

The crowd cheered and clapped and the players congratulated one another before disappearing behind the double leading to the locker rooms.

Me and Akari now wait in the school hallway waiting for our boys to freshen and change.

Fifteen to twenty minutes later August and Rowan where walking towards us behind their teammates, all of them dressed in sweats and jackets or shirts with a duffel bag in hand.

"Hey pretty girl." August smiles as walks closer wrapping one arm around my waist with the occupied with his duffel bag.

"Good game, supernova." I wrap my arms around his neck kissing his lips. I remember when I was doing the at stupid cheer thing for his first game he called my supernova as encouragement. I didn't know what it was until he said "It's when a star explodes so powerful and bright scientists couldn't help but notice."

That wasn't what Google said when I looked it up, but it was close.

He laughs stuffing his face into the crook of my neck as his arm wraps tighter around my waist as he stands to his full height letting my feet dangle above the ground. I cringe when his wet, cold hair touches the under side of jaw.

We lost our virginities to each other a week ago and before that I would've never guest August could get any clingier. I was wrong.

He doesn't go a two minutes without touching me. After the date I eventually had to go back home and he stopped by the house a day later complaining to my mom and I quote "You can't keep hogging her, Ma" we're his exact words while my she laughed and sipped her wine.

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