45- New York

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Someone lets out a sigh from behind me, "August you can't keep on sneaking in here

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Someone lets out a sigh from behind me, "August you can't keep on sneaking in here."

"But I need to make sure she's okay." I said turning to the nurse.

After Delani passed out I had rushed her outside the school where police cars were crowding the parking lot. I told them where Caleb was as they  guided me and Delani to the ambulance before they drove us to the hospital.

Nurse Becca sighs again walking into the hospital room with her clipboard in hand, "She's fine, just sleeping, something you should be doing."

"What if she has a seizure, or a subarachnoid hemorrhage, or a subdural hematoma, or any of the hematomas?" I stress running my hand through my hair as my thoughts start to spiral about all the things that could go wrong.

I shouldn't have pushed her so hard.

A hand gently grabs my shoulder pulling me out of my thoughts, "You need to stay off the internet. She just has a concussion and the worst thing that could happen is short term amnesia. I'll let you know if anything goes wrong. You just got out of surgery for a bullet in your arm, the best thing you can do now is rest."

I glance at Delani sleeping in the hospital bed before begrudgingly getting up from my chair, "Fine, but I'll be back in the next twenty-five minutes." I warn walking towards the door.

"Yes like the last five times before." She mutters shooing me out the room.

I walk to my room two doors down, and I sit on the small mattress covered with thin sheets and covers staring at the boring, stale room.

I lay down underneath the thin covers and my fingers gently touch the bandage wrapped around my bicep as I stare at the ceiling waiting for sleep to take over me.

It took a while for me sleep before I finally fell into the relax state.

I woke to the sound of shuffling and saw Nurse Becca placing a tray of d water on my bed side table.

"Oh, you're up." She smiles checking my IV.

"Yeah," I rub my eyes groggily, "How long have I been out?"

"Three hours."

"Three days? Fuck, I gotta check on Lani." I throw the covers off of me ready to get up.

I stop when Nurse Becca points her wooden clipboard at me with a stern look, "I said three hours, and she's fine. I checked on her before I came to check on you. Now drink some water."

I begrudgingly drink the water glaring at her, "You don't get it. Three hours are three days in August time. I've been away from my girl for three day." I clutch the right side of my chest at the realization looking up at Nurse Becca in horror, "I think I might have a heart attack."

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