5- Shoot

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"Honey I'm home!" Rowan was the first to announce his presence as he walks into the house

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"Honey I'm home!" Rowan was the first to announce his presence as he walks into the house.

"Why are you yelling?" Devin ask turning towards us as she sits on the couch.

"How else would you know I made it home safe and sound."Rowan said kissing her cheek before she even had the chance to dodge it.

"You walking through the door would've been enough." She said before turning to me and August, "How are my two favorite high school seniors?"

"Hey! What about me?" Rowan yells from the kitchen, and August walks down the hallway to Rowan's room.

"Don't worry your in the top 15." She replies.

"Everything is good." I answer her question, "It's only the second day so there isn't much to deal with." I shrug.

She nods her head, "I remember when I was your age, getting kidnapped, falling in love,"  She reminisce, "Until he decided not to call, pequeña perra."
[little bitch]

I awkwardly pat her shoulder, "It's safe to say Marco still didn't call."

She throws her hands in the air before dropping them at her side, "He hasn't called for the last 3 years, why would he call now?"

"I'm sorry babe." I hug her, "Maybe you just need to get back out there, you know? Hook up with a good looking guy to get your mind off him; it's been three years."

She nods her head, "Yea, you're right." She agrees breaking the hug.

"I volunteer." Rowan saids from the kitchen.

"Cute." Devin deadpans before bidding her goodbyes and going to her room.

Rowan smirks watching as she walks away, "She loves me."

I laugh before we walk back to his room where August lays on his bed facing the ceiling with his eyes closed.

I quietly sat my book bag on the floor before tiptoeing towards the bed, and taking a pillow. Steadily I place the pillow over his face smothering him.

"Doesn't feel nice does it?" I push the pillow against his face, but not hard enough where he couldn't breathe.

"This is an attempt of murder." His voice muffled from under the pillow.
Despite the lack of eyesight he blindly wraps his arm around my waist pulling me onto the bed; almost on top of him.

My hold on the pillow loosens, and August let's go of me throwing the pillow on the ground before taking a dramatic deep breath.

A hand grabs my ankle dragging me off the bed, I laugh as I hold onto August, "Break it up love birds." Rowan pulls me down farther along with August.

My shirt rides up exposing the bare skin of my waist as August's arm wraps around as an attempt to keep us from falling off the bed.
My stomach flutters at the touch of his warm skin against mine.

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