11- Bigger Person

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Near the lockers stood August and the blonde boy from biology, and based their posture and tense shoulders it's not a good conversation

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Near the lockers stood August and the blonde boy from biology, and based their posture and tense shoulders it's not a good conversation.

This could go either of two ways: I could intervene and stop any further conflict from happening, or being the selfless person I am I could walk away and let them solve their own problems while learning an important life lesson.

Weighing my options it's clear I have a difficult choice to make, so I decided to think about it in another hallway.

Slowly and quietly I back away from the pair of testosterone, and I turn on my heels to go to a different hallway.

Precisely six steps. I took six steps before he called for me, "Ven."

I don't even know how he knew I was here because last time I checked his back was facing me.

"No." I replied instantly shaking my head as I continued walking.

"What do you mean 'no'? I didn't even ask you a question." He doesn't even need to raise his voice for it to carry through the hallway, but then again in a sea of people his voice would be the one I'd automatically hear above everyone else's.

I sigh turning around dropping my shoulders, "Doesn't matter. The answer is still no." I cross my arms making an 'X' with my forearms before stiffly uncrossing them.
This was a strict movement, and I felt like it really gotten my point across.

The end of August's lips twitch upwards as he watches me, and I knew he was fighting the urge to smile because he knew I was serious.

"I'm not going to ask you a question. Now come here." He instructs motioning for me to go to him with two fingers decorated with the silver rings I gifted him.
The action was so effortlessly hot I was momentarily astounded.

Fighting the urge to stomp like a toddler I begrudgingly make my way towards the two, and once I'm in August's reach, like a magnet, his finger secure itself through my belt loop pulling me closer to him.

"Ven, this is Michael." He said the name with such dislike it almost didn't sound like August, but he also saids the name like I'm suppose to know who he is.

I send blondie a tight lipped smile, "Nice to meet you. I really liked your movie where you were killing people, wearing a mask with a janitor's outfit." I started making stabbing motions, but it looked liked I was giving the air a violent hand job so I stopped all together.

A smirk plays at Michael's lips, "Don't tell me you don't remember me, Lane."

"I- I don't remember you, Lane." I repeat his words.

I stumble over my words to stop myself from saying, I don't remember the background characters in my life, and that would've been unnecessarily mean and I try not to be mean to people I don't know.

Michael chuckles, but I don't pay him any attention when I feel August dip his head to the level of my ear, and he whispers, "Second grade."

Second grade? I repeat his hint in my head until it finally clicked.

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