7- Alone

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"So what was all that about?" Akari leans against the bathroom sink

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"So what was all that about?" Akari leans against the bathroom sink.

"What was what about?" I finish applying some clear peach flavored lip gloss to my lips.

"Don't act stupid. You and August, I saw you guy's lover quarrel." She smirks.

I roll my eyes, "It wasn't a 'lovers quarrel', it was a.... a discussion."

"A little hesitant on the 'discussion' part are we?" She taunts cocking her head.

"What is the point of this conversation?" I turned to look at her leaning my left hip against the sink.

"The point is, you and August have chemistry, and it's not platonic." She saids bluntly as she applies mascara to her straight black eyelashes.

The sound of a toilet flushing resounds around the bathroom before I could reply to Akari. Coincidentally Faith walks out of the stall to the sink washing her hands, and the room falls into a awkward silence.
Me and Akari share a knowing look.

"Don't get her hopes up, Dubois. Beck would never go for someone like her." Faith adds her input as she dries her hands with paper towels.

"And when was the last time he gave you his attention that was over 2 minutes?" I raise an eyebrow tilting my head, and when she didn't respond I send her a tight lip smile, "Thought so."

She glower at me, "You think your all that? He'll ditch you for me the first chance he gets."

I look at her strangely, "You've been trying to get with August since the 6th grade. He had 6 years to ditch me for you, and yet I'm still here. Funny how that works." I grab my backpack slinging one strap over my shoulder when I hear the warning bell, and Akari grabs her's.

"What was all that about?" Akari ask as we walk out the bathroom and down the hall.

"Nothing. She just has a crush on Auggie, and doesn't like the fact we're friends." I wave it off.

"How long have you've known August?"

"10 years, since the 2nd grade." I answer, and she hums nodding her head.

"What class you are going to?" I ask.


"We'll I'm going to Spanish, so I'll see you later." We go different directions and I make it to class before the final bell.

"Where were you?" August ask as I take a seat in my desk.

"West Vagina."

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