4- Blindfold

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"You guys I have an awesome idea! You're really gonna-"

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"You guys I have an awesome idea! You're really gonna-"

"No." Both Rowan and August state at the same time.

I run my fingers through August's hair as his head lays on my upper thighs facing the TV, "Y'all didn't even know what I was going to say."

"You were gonna try to get us to watch The Pirates of Caribbean." August turns his head looking up at me.

"Or 2 Broke Girls." Rowan inputs from beside me.

No doubt they were both right, but in my defensive it's my favorite movie and TV show.

I playfully roll my eyes, "I'm going to get a peach." I take August head off my lap and get off the bed, and going to the kitchen.

Opening the fridge I take take out a bowl of slice peaches, along with a dark chocolate candy bar.

I break down the cold, hard chocolate bar before taking it out of the wrapper and sprinkling it with salt.

I always liked dark chocolate because it's not as sweet as regular chocolate, but I think it taste better when it's cold and sprinkled with salt.

I turn my head when I see my mom walk into the kitchen, "Hey."

"What are you doing?" She ask peeking over my shoulder.

"Getting a snack." I offer her a slice which she gratefully takes.

"Did you get some for the boys?" She ask getting some water out of the pantry.

"That's a good question." She sends me a knowing look, and I sigh, "I'll go ask if they want anything."

She nods leaving the kitchen, and when I know she's gone I hurriedly make my way to the front door.

I quietly run across the street to August's house, and use the spare key to unlock the door and go in.

This dude lives in a mansion.

I click my tongue looking around the house, "Tsk tsk, here kitty kitty." I call for Greenbean, who trots down the stairs towards me.

Greenbean is an absolutely beautiful cat with a body full plain, smooth brown fur with pretty green eyes.

"Lets go have a sleepover at my house, yeah?" I pick her holding her against my shoulder supporting her with my hand, and she meows.

"Yes that's right. You can't tell your dad, and if you see him make sure to hide." I coo, and she meows again.

"You're right, I am the best." I softly pet her behind her ears before leaving the house and locking the door; which was a struggle.

I did warn August that I would steal his cat this morning, it's his fault he didn't listen.

When I open my front door I set Greenbean down and let her wonder around while I get my snacks and head back up stairs.

"What took you so long?" August ask as I walk into my room.

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