20- Snoozed Alarm Clock

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My personal alarm clock didn't wake me up today

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My personal alarm clock didn't wake me up today.

Much to August's dismay I didn't sleepover at his place because I knew for a fact that I wasn't going walk across the street just to get ready.

I look at the clock on my phone, and I see it's seven ten in the morning. Did I put him on snooze?

With an agitated groan I stretch getting out of my bed taking the bonnet off my head before I go to my bathroom to get ready.

I do the usual, brush my teeth, wash my face, and moisturize; I don't look in the mirror as always.

My mind was too busy elsewhere I didn't notice my snoozed alarm clock standing outside of the bathroom doorway, and you can't imagine my surprised when I'm lifted into the air.

"Oh shit!" I curse in surprise as he picks me up my legs wrapping around his torso as his hands support the underside of my thigh.

My arms enclosed around his neck, and contrasting from the pure shock on my face he wears an adoring smile.

Once my mine finally catches up with everything I let out a breath relaxing in his hold.

"Auggie. I say this from the bottom of my heart. Never scare me like that again." I say solemnly resting my head in the crook of his neck trying to slow my rapid beating heart.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare, baby." He gently rubs up and down my back.

"It's whatever." I pull my head back my fingers gently dance across the nape of his neck, "Changing the subject, where were you this morning?"

"I wanted to surprise my girl with her funeral flowers this morning, but I was running a little late." He smiles gently caressing my cheek with the back of his knuckles.

Confusion is painted on my face at his words and I notice he's hands are empty since he's holding me, so I look around the room and that's when I notice the bouquet of white tulips laid neatly next to an outfit.

White tulips have always been my favorite flowers ever since I saw them once at my grandmas funeral -on my dads side.

I don't know why I just always thought they were pretty, and of course when I told August he immediately started calling them funeral flowers because they're a way of giving condolences and are common at funerals- from what he researched.

"I also got you some breakfast." He states with a proud smile.

I look back at August a smile blooming on my face expressing the butterflies and the warm fuzzy feeling he's responsible for.

Grabbing his chin I pull him into a kiss showing him my gratitude, and by the way he's gripping my thigh I'd say he was very appreciative.

I pull back from the kiss before kissing his nose, "Auggie you really didn't-" I stop mid sentence because of the warning glare I was receiving.

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