23- Can I Touch It

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"Where the hell is Rowan?" Akari asked walking from behind the jeep

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"Where the hell is Rowan?" Akari asked walking from behind the jeep.

"I don't know. He said he would be here like five minutes ago." I answered walking down the concrete pathway that led to my house.

"You know Rowan's not good with time." August states grabbing my duffel from me and putting in the back of the white jeep.

"Shit! My chargers in my car." Akari remembers running to her pink BMW coupe.

I turn my head towards the sound of a loud engine running from down the street, and there was the missing blonde riding his black motorcycle with a matching black helmet, but there was something pink on the side of it.

Rowan parks his bike behind Akari's car, I walk up to him as he puts down the bike's kickstand taking off his helmet.

I squint my eyes getting closer look at the side of helmet until the pink blur became clear, "Is that a pink jellyfish sticker?"

He furrows his eyebrows in confusion as he turns the helmet to the side to see sticker of the dome-shaped invertebrate, and his eyes clicked with realization.

A blush covers his face as he clears throat, "Um.... Akari was just messing around with my helmet in music." He explains.

I smirk, "Since when did you have interest with being in music?"

"I don't." He admits sheepishly glancing towards the girl searching for something in her pink car.

"You really like her don't you?" I chuckle even though my question was genuine.

"Yeah, I do." He smiles softly looking down at the pink sticker stuck on his helmet.

"Awww, Rowan's got a crush." I tease him pinching his blushing cheeks.

"Shhh! Knock it off." He whispers swatting my hand away.

"I'm kidding. Now come on so we can go." I said walking towards the jeep ready to get in the car.

August puts his hand on my waist stopping me from getting in the jeep, "Here." He hands me a pill bottle and some water

"What's this?"

He shrugs, "Just some medicine. I know how bad your headaches can get on long car rides." He saids as he opens the passenger door for me, and my heart practically melts.

I throw one arm around the back of his neck bringing him down to my height so my lips can meet his. His hands slip under my shirt as his arm slither around my waist, his touch drawing me further into the kiss.

We pull back from the contact before I thank him and getting into the car, along with everyone else.


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