39- Thanksgiving

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"How long do we have?"

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"How long do we have?"

"About an hour and a half."

"Good." I pull Delani to my lap drawing her lips to mine.

She straddles my lap her warmth seeping through my skin and boxers sends my blood into a frenzy.

On instinct my hands venture under my jersey she's wearing and grab a fistful of her ass in me hands. I groan at feeling one of my favorite parts of her in my grip.

All this morning, ever since I woke up, I've been sporting a hard on watching her do basic everyday things in nothing but my basketball jersey and her underwear.

It was after breakfast that I couldn't take it anymore, the need became too strong, and  I dragged her to her room.

Today being Thanksgiving, her parents were out getting her sister from the airport. And there's no better start to an holiday than worshipping my girlfriend.

My hands run up the dip of her back addicted to the feeling of her warm skin on my fingertips.

I move my lips to her neck sucking against her brown skin til it stained purple as she grinds against me, teasing me.

"Condom. Drawer." She exhales not stopping the movement of her hips that were gliding her core against my length.
I was reluctant to move because I didn't want the pleasure to end, even if it was just a for a few seconds.

I depart my lips from her neck reaching for her nightstand and pulling out a box of condom a from the drawer. She rises from my lap and everything in me wanted to pull her back down.

She pulls down my boxers and I feel my cheeks go red at how embarrassingly hard I am. She glances up at me letting out a small laugh under her breath before kissing my tip.

She grabs the condom from my hand and ripping it open. The my thigh flinches at its own accord from sensitivity as she rolls the condom onto my length.

I let out a breath as she stands to her full height as I stay sitting on the bed, and she slowly lifts up my jersey she's wearing, hooking her fingers through the waistband, and pulling them down her legs.

I was internally buzzing. There's no other way to describe it. I could hear my own heartbeat drumming in my ears, my stomach had a whirlwind of butterflies, my limbs felt like electricity was coursing through my bloodstream.

"I wanna be on top this time." She saids straddling my lap, hovering.

I knew what she was saying but it was like it went through one ear out the other. I was too caught up in a daze by her that everything else seemed incompetent.

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