21- Where's Your Bra

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I woke up at six thirty this morning to get ready

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I woke up at six thirty this morning to get ready.

It wasn't necessary since school starts at eight and it wasn't a long drive, but I needed to get up early so I could get ready before waking up Delani.

I know I don't have to, but I want to.

I like waking her up— no matter how much of a struggle it is— I like picking out her outfits, waiting for her to get ready, watching her do her hair, tying the silk ribbon in her. I loved all of it, it was the best part of my morning.

I walk into my bathroom getting my tooth brush and toothpaste and I start brushing my teeth.

I hear a small meow from below me. Greenbean yawns adorably as she walks into the bathroom. She nudges her head into my leg before she jumps on top of the counter.

I continue brushing my teeth for another minute before turning on the sink and ridding the light blue foam from my mouth and into the sink.

"How was your sleep precious?" Greenbean leans her head into the palm of my hand as I pet her.

I gently pick her up before setting her on the ground before I start to wash my face.

When I was done I walked into my closet to get changed. Today was going to be a little chilly so I settled for some sweatpants with a sweatshirt.

I feed Greenbean and refill her water bowl before grabbing my book bag and leaving. I walk across the street unlocking my jeep, and putting my backpack inside and locking it again.

"Hey Ma," I greet Delani's mom as I walk through the front door.

"Good Morning August." She narrows her eyes at me, "Why is it you didn't tell me you were dating my daughter?"

I purse my lips nodding my head. A small bit of regret starts to seep in at the fact I forgot to tell her. Whenever I achieve anything she's always the second person I want to tell- after Delani of course.

She always believed in me, and as stupid as it sounds whenever she was proud of me, I was proud of myself.

Validation from a mother figure, but it was more like love than validation.

"I'm sorry. I was just so excited I forgot about everything and everyone else." I apologize.

A soft smile forms on her lips, "Oh honey, you don't need to apologize. I beyond happy that my daughter met someone with a good heart as yours." Her hand gently pats my cheek.

The sweet moment ends when she pushes me by my shoulder towards the hallway, "Now go wake up Lani, so she can get out my house." She grabs her keys and purse before walking out the front door.

I laugh walking down the hallway and to Delani's room. I open the wooden door and as expected she lies there, in bed, one leg hanging off the bed and her arms all over the place- sleeping beautiful as always.

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