6- Stay

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10 years ago

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10 years ago

This is stupid. Everything is stupid. Everyone is stupid.

I don't want to be here. Especially with all these idiots who do nothing but be mean to me.

"August could you tell me what's 34+56?" The teacher ask as she draws the equation on the board.

Four plus six is ten , carry the one. Three plus five is eight add the one.

"90." I answer my chin resting on forearms on the desk.

"Good job." She congratulates me, while a group of boys snicker pointing at me.

I didn't like it here. I didn't like it anywhere because no matter where I go I'm always alone.

My dad leaves, my mom left, and even my friends ditched me . Nobody ever stays.

"Alright class it's time for snack and recess." The teacher announces and everyone grabs their snacks rushing out the classroom.

I'm the last to walk out the class room, empty handed. I make my way outside with the rest of the kids, and I get sad watching them play with their friends; I wish I could have that.

I walk to the side of the school, where I usually spend recess, and I sit on the ground against the concrete wall.

"You guys look, it's sad August sitting all by himself." A boy named Jack taunts at me to his friends.

"He's such a loser he doesn't have any friends." His friends Michael adds on as they walk closer cornering me.

I stand up not wanting to feel completely helpless, "Leave me alone."

"Why? Are you scared? Are you going to call your daddy to come save you?" He taunts and he teases as his friends laugh and I couldn't do anything, but stand there looking at the ground.

"You're always going to be lonely," He shoves me into the concrete wall, "Because no one wants to be friends with a nerdy loser like you."

I tried really hard not to cry, but it didn't work. The tears make it hard to see, making things a blur, but I could see a tear fall onto my shoe.
I was weak, crying at truthful words.

"Hey! What are you doing?" A light voice yells catching our attention.

I quickly wipe away my tears so I can see the figure more clearly. The figure was a brown skin girl who curls were in a ponytail, and she was wearing knee length blue jean shorts with a tan shirt that said 'GRL PWR' in black and white letters; she was also holding a ziplock bag of slice fruit.

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