27- Hide 'n Seek

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My boyfriend is broken

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My boyfriend is broken.

I woke up comfortably on my back, the first thing I saw was the white ceiling above my head.

When I tried to look for August but the messy sheets beside me were cold and empty, but I was still warm under the covers, too warm.

When I tried to move there was something heavy weighing my lower half down to the mattress.

When I peek under cover there laid a sleeping August with his head on my stomach and the rest of his body was relaxed in between my legs.

How he got there? I don't know, we went to sleep beside each other, and now he's under the covers laying on top of me.

Though it was a struggle I grab my phone checking the time. The bright, rectangular screen shines in my face, making me blink the sleep away. It's six fifteen right now and we to get ready to leave because we're suppose to check out of the hotel at seven thirty.

I don't even attempt to wake August, stealthily I slid myself from under him, and surprisingly he doesn't wake.

I grab my bag from the hotel closet and I take it to the bathroom where I brush my teeth, and wash my face. When I'm done I exit the bathroom and put my bag back where I got it.

I slowly peel back the covers of bed revealing August's messy hair. His eyes were closed gently and his blush colored lips parted as he exhales soft snores. I push back his dark hair before laying a kiss on his forehead.

I grab two key cards from the nightstand before leaving the room to wake Akari and Rowan. Akari gave me a key to their room when she knew she wasn't going to wake up early on her own to get ready to pack a leave.

Swiping the key card I walk into the room that holds two beds, but one of them looked as if it haven't even been touched. 

My eyes fall onto the bed farthest from the room door, the bed where a shirtless Rowan has his arm thrown around Akari as her head lays on his chest.

I tip toe to the side of the bed, and I gently tap Akari's shoulder.

She shuffles before her eyes flutter open and land on me, her eyebrows were pinched together in confusion and a look of fear glaze over her dark irises before she lets a sigh in relief, relaxing into the dirty blondes arms.

"Wake up. We have to leave in an hour." I said, she lets out a lazy groan and I take a step back as she stubbles out of the bed, Rowan completely unfazed and asleep.

"I'm getting me some strawberries from breakfast." She murmurs, wiping her sleepy eyes and moving her black hair from her face.

Before I would wake up Rowan I wanted to get something out of the way.

I walked into the bathroom, ignoring everything else, my eyes draw to my reflection in the mirror.

I take a deep inhale, before I exhale, "I am beautiful." The sentence felt weird on my tongue and made me cringe, but I repeated them nonetheless. I repeated them five times.

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