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I woke feeling a dead weight wrapped around me as my head against a warm, hard chest

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I woke feeling a dead weight wrapped around me as my head against a warm, hard chest.


A part of me didn't want to move, that part of me wanted to stay here forever, but another part of me needed to use the bathroom.

When I try to get up the arm wraps around me tighter pulling me back down into his chest.

"Let go of me." I whisper, but I don't make any effort break away from the comfort of his arms.

I know he heard me though, but he still curls his arm around me until I'm fully laying on top of him, both my legs on either side of him.

I sigh dropping my head on his shoulders as I trail my fingers down his side. I open my eyes looking up through my eyelashes to search his face for any reaction. A sense of triumph fills me when I see him fighting the small smile threatening his lips.

I watch his reaction as I allow my fingers to skim further down the side of his warm skin until they land on the side of his waist. I gently squeeze his side, tickling him.

He abruptly turn away from my hand causing me to roll off of him as a throaty chuckle leaves him. I take the opportunity to climb over him and get out of the bed and to the bathroom.

After I do my business and wash my hands I start to brush my teeth. I felt pretty today so I glance in the mirror to see if it was all in my head.

It wasn't.

I was pretty today, and it felt nice. I didn't want to look too long in a high chance that, that feeling would go away.

I step out of the bathroom when was done, and I find August asleep against the headboard with both hands behind his head.

"When did your clothes come off?" I pick up his clothes off the floor I threw them at his face, and he flinches awake

"I got hot in the middle of the night." He grumbles as he lazily put on his shirt.

He was about to fall back asleep, but I pull his arm, "You need to get up and go home."

"Why?" He whines like a baby as I pull him closer off the bed.

"Because you need to get ready for the day, and take a shower." I grunt dragging his heavy body completely off the bed.

"Are you trying to say I stink?" He teases looking up at me from where he lays on my carpeted floor in nothing, but his shirt and briefs.

"Would it make you get up any faster?" I walk towards my vanity pulling out the drawer where my ribbons are neatly folded; all forty two of them.

"No, but if you give me a kiss I'll reconsider." I look back to see him closing his eyes making duck lips towards me.

I roll my eyes trying to ignore the butterflies flying around in my stomach at the thought of his lips on mine.

"In your dreams." I pick up two different colored ribbons.

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