17- Kiss Me

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"Would Delani Taylor please make her way to the principal's office

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"Would Delani Taylor please make her way to the principal's office." The voice originates from the intercom, resounding around the classroom.

At least they made it second period.

I sigh getting out of my chair, and if I'm being honest I'm not even mad. I'm getting called out math class, I hate math.

I walk through the front office into the principals office, and as expected a blonde and a brunette sits in front of the principals desk.

"Hello Mr. Links, children." I greet them walking further into the office.

"Children? We're legally adults." Rowan argues turning around in the cushioned armchair to face me.

"But so how y'all act like children." I fake a gasp.

"You act like children." He rebuttals narrowing his eyes at me.

"Child. It's only me, so you would say child." I correct him just to get on his nerves. Rowan huffs turning back into his chair, facing Mr. Links crossing his arms.

I turn to Mr. Links, "What did they do now?" I sigh sitting on the arm of August's chair.

"I found them doing flips in hallway, and when I ask what they were doing they said they were studying the laws of physics." He sighs folding his hands neatly on his desk.

"Um we were actually doing handstands..." August trails off.

"Doesn't matter you were skipping class, so I'm going to give you two lunch detention and call it a day." He finalizes.

"Objection!" Rowan calls out hitting the arm of his chair.

"No- You can't object Mr. Smith. It's the consequence of your actions, not court." Mr. Links shakes his head narrowing his eyes in confusion.

Rowan abruptly stands up from the chair, "I know my constitutional rights, and I know I have rights to a speedy trial decided by a- ow!" I lean forward reaching up pulling a lock of his blonde hair interrupting his useless rant.

"I- Just please get out of my office." There was a subtle plea in the man's voice, and I almost feel sorry for him deal with these two.

I send Mr. Links an apologetic smile as I grab August's wrist, and I pull Rowan by his ear, "Have great rest of your day, sir."

"Ow! Why aren't you cutting the circulation off Beck's ear?" Rowan complains as I pull him out of the office as August snickers.

"Because he wasn't declaring his constitutional rights to the principal." I deadpanned letting go of his ear.

"I'm starting to think you have a personal thing against ears." He grumbles holding his now red ear.

"No." I deny, "Only when the person has nothing in between them."

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