3- Eye Contact

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"So how's my favorite teacher?" I happily sat my bag on the desk closest to the door as enter my old geometry classroom

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"So how's my favorite teacher?" I happily sat my bag on the desk closest to the door as enter my old geometry classroom.

"Are you guys together yet?" She doesn't even look up. Her glasses perched on her nose as she grades geometry papers with a purple pen.

"No 'Hi how are you Delani' or 'How was my favorites student's summer?'" I grab a chair sitting beside her desk; my back facing the door.

She softly sighs taking off her glasses placing them on the desk, "Hi how are you Delani? Are you two together yet?"

"I'm great. Thanks for asking, and to answer your question; no. We are not together."

Mrs. Robinson is my all time favorite teacher. She taught me geometry in my first year of high school, and though she won't admit it it's common knowledge that I'm her favorite student.

Even though she isn't my teacher anymore I always visit her class whenever I can; mostly at lunch. I tell her everything, and I mean everything.

"Delani it's been almost 2 years sense you had feeling for August. I don't understand why you won't go for it."

"Because he's my best friend. We've been through this." I groan laying my head on the edge of her desk.

"You've liked this guy since sophomore year. You're a senior now what happens when you two go your separate ways?"

I lift my head up, "That's a good question. I bet it has a good answer too." I said not answering her question.

She laughs lightly rolling her eyes, "Don't you have anything better to do than bother me?"

"No. I'm suppose to be at lunch, but I couldn't deprive you of my spectacular presence." I say grabbing my sketchbook and pencils from my bag.

Sketching and drawing was something I've been doing since I was little, and over the years I've gotten better. Though I'm in art class as a subject sketching is just something I do for fun when I'm bored or feeling creative.

"Please at least promise me you'll try with August. I've seen the way he looks at you. Do you know how many times I had to shoo him away when he was always at my classroom door whenever you were in here working?"

I softly smile at the thought before softly shaking my head; dismissing the thought.

Mrs. Robinson glances behind me before going back to grading work. I jump when a familiar set of hands poke my waist.

I send Mrs. Robinson, who's now wearing a sly grin, a glare before turning towards August.

"What are you doing here Auggie?" A smile plays at my lips as turn around in my chair looking up at him.

His eyes glance from my sketchbook to me, "Me and Row were at the field for lunch and you weren't there, and I knew you'd be here so I came to get you."

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