42- Pool

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TW: mention of rape

"This is awesome!" Akari exclaims, dressed in a pink corset like cop with low waisted white washed jeans

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"This is awesome!" Akari exclaims, dressed in a pink corset like cop with low waisted white washed jeans.

Whoever came up with the idea that getting a whole bunch of people into a confined space to move around to loud sounds is not a good person.

The room was stuffy and warm, there was too much movement- too much people- for my liking. I already don't like large crowds at the fear everyone would judge me; though it eased the anxiousness rising in my chest that they were all distracted by dancing, drinking, humping, I didn't care as long as their attention wasn't on me.

I have to give myself props for the outfit I put together, a green crochet halter crop top- despite it being cold- with mid rise jeans flare jeans.

I feel a warm hand curl around the side of my waist pulling me into a familiar chest, "You okay, pretty girl?" August whispers into my ear, his breath fanning the shell of my ear as thumb caress the skin of my torso.

I let out breath turning my head towards him, "Yeah, why?"

He glances down at my lips that are coated in a light sheet of lip gloss, only inches from his, "You froze for a moment."

"Oh." I look out at the swarm of bodies, "It's nothing just nerves." I gave him an assuring smile.

He kisses the crown of my head, "I got you."

I nod sending him a thankful smile before turning my head to Akari who is smiling excitedly.

"Can we dance?" She asked Rowan.

"Sure, love." He nods smiling down at his girlfriend.

"You guys want to come with?" She looks to me and August, and I politely decline.

Soon enough she was running off to the dance floor her boyfriend trailing after her with their hands interlocked.

I look up towards August, "Let's go to the kitchen." If I'm gonna be here I'm going to need a drink.

I wasn't sure if August heard me or not until he nodded hooking his finger through the loop of my jeans letting me take the lead.

After getting across the living room slash dance floor we made it to the kitchen. Used red solo and white styrofoam cups littered on the counters that were around the line island in the middle of the kitchen. Bottles on bottles of alcohol standing on the island with a bowl of ice and shot glasses.

I walk around the island and to the cooler beside  it filled with ice, canned soda, and water bottles.

"What you want?" I ask August getting me a canned root beer.

"Sprite." I give him the yellow and green can.

Popping open the soda I take a sip turning to my boyfriend, "I'm bored. You wanna go home?"

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