16- Jersey

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I open my front door and was greeted with an excited Akari who's holding a bag in her arms

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I open my front door and was greeted with an excited Akari who's holding a bag in her arms.

"Come in." I stepped to the side letting her walk in before closing the door after her.

"I'm so excited!" She enthuse looking around as if she's on a beautiful majestic island instead of a one story house.

After a week of practicing a halftime dance and doing school I decided to invite Akari over, along with the guys, just to sit around and do nothing for the week.

"Let me guess, you've never slept over anyone's house before? I ask locking the front door.

She gasps looking at me surprised, "How'd you know?"

"I've learned you never did a lot of things." I shrug, and she nods in agreement.

When we get to my bedroom she sets down her bag before she awkwardly stands looking around the room.

Her eyes caught onto a family photo. She walks closer to the picture squinting her eyes, "Who's that?" She ask pointing to my sister.

She was wearing black Spiderman shirt as she smiles brightly. Her long, curly hair falls freely down to her to her waist.

"That's my sister. Ivy."

"She's really pretty." Akari saids with a kind smile, and I couldn't help but agree.

"Okay. You get comfortable." I hand her the remote to the TV, "I'm going to go get snacks."

I walked out of my room leaving her to get comfortable, while I get some chips and juice because that's all I have; along with peaches.

Minutes later I hear a scream then a thump, before the sound of hurried footsteps running down the hallway, then a shout seconds before another thump.

Walking out of the kitchen I'm met with Akari who's face first on the floor as she groans in pain against the hard wood.

"I think you tripped." I point to her.

She lifts her head glaring at me, "Wow. Really? Didn't notice." She deadpans before she hurriedly gets up off the floor, alarmed.

"I saw two men outside your window, I think one had a cat, but they were trying to break in!" She exclaims all in one breath.

I let out a laugh helping her up, "That's probably just August and Rowan. They don't usually use the front door."

"What type of people doesn't use the front door?" She asked bewildered.

"Us!" I hear a voice call from my room.

I chuckle as we walk down the hallway to my room, and there we see August and Rowan laying down on my bed, while Greenbean is walking on my vanity.

"Are you okay? You ran into the door pretty hard, love." Rowan smirks teasing Akari.

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