15- Cheer Practice

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"I'm so excited!" Akari expresses from the other stall

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"I'm so excited!" Akari expresses from the other stall.

"So you've said for the hundredth time." I said as we walk out both wearing loose workout shorts and a T-shirt; just different colors.

"I just never felt included before, so I don't know how to contain the elation." She spoke truthfully, and I throw my arm over her shoulder bringing her in.

"Well you better get use to it."

Looking in the mirror I couldn't help, but compare her figure to mine.

"I wish I had a body like yours." The words fall from my lips before I could stop them, and the second they left my mouth I regretted it.

Akari abruptly turn to me, "What!? No. You literally have the curves I could only dream of, babe. You're absolutely gorgeous."

"Akari don't play with me. You literally have a slim hourglass figure I would die for. Absolutely stunning."

She pulls me so we're standing close next to each other looking into the same mirror, "I'd say we're both fucking hot."

"Can't say I disagree." I state, "Gorgeously stunning." I kiss her cheeks before getting my bag and walking out of the bathroom, and Akari follows.

We stop our steps when we see the boys waiting against the locker near the bathroom.

"Aren't you guys supposed to be at practice?" Akari catches their attention with her question.

Rowan smirks walking towards us, "We had to see our girls, and wish them good luck for their first day of hell." August chuckles at Rowan's words.

"We're going to cheer practice." Akari deadpans.

"Same thing." He shrugs.

"Are you sure you have to go?" I hear August ask lowly as he throws his arm around my shoulder.

"Yes, plus Akari is really excited." I tell him.

He rolls his eyes with a groan, "This better be a mind blowing performance since they're taking you away from me so much."

I'm playfully roll my eyes, "I'll try my best."

"You could just stand in the middle of the gym, and it would be all the support I need." He curls his arm around my shoulder pulling my into him until my forehead was resting against his chest, "Don't stress it, supernova." He lightly kisses the crown of my head.

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