37- Under the Stars

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One of August's arms fastens itself tight around my waist pulling me flush against his chest as his free hand wonders under the hem of my dress groping my ass, rocking me against him as I straddle him

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One of August's arms fastens itself tight around my waist pulling me flush against his chest as his free hand wonders under the hem of my dress groping my ass, rocking me against him as I straddle him.

I could feel the warmth heat of his body through the fabric of my dress, I was hyper aware of every touch he laid upon my skin or through my clothes. My head was a whirlwind and I could hear my heartbeat in my ears.

His lips seems determined to not part from mine not even for the much needed air that was being deprived from our lungs as our tongues graced upon the other.

I break the kiss and my lungs thanked me for the oxygen as I trail kisses down on his jaw to the side of neck. My hand tangled itself in his dark strands and he lets out a low moan when I pulled his head back by his locks giving me more access.

I sucked on the skin just below his jaw and he grips my ass tighter as his eyes lull close. My hands fumble with a a few of his buttons as I unbutton his white shirt.

I smile against his pulse when I successfully gotten the shirt off of him leaving his chest and abdomen bare.

With my hands on his chest I pushed him down against the comforter of the bed. A smirk graced his lips and his eyes popped open, he watched me with hooded eyes.

I lean down allowing my lips to skim the shell of his ear whispering, "You're such a good boy..." I pause hearing his breath shudder and I kiss below his ear darting my tongue across his warm skin, "...friend." I finish the word.

I love messing with him.

I trail down his neck leaving red and purple splotches behind. I scatter hickeys across his chest so I can play connect the dots with them later.

His hands glide up my ass to the small of my back and the lower I went down on him the higher his hands traveled until I was leaving open mouth kisses along the waistband of his dress pants; my dress bunched at my waist.

When my fingers skim over the tent in his pants August stops me, chuckling lowly. "Almost had me." He said shaking his head with a grin.

I yelp when he pulls me up on the bed and next thing I know I was laying on my back and August was on his knees between my legs.

His calloused hands drag up the side of my thighs, gentle and slow. His lips only detach from the skin of my inner thigh only to move closer to my core, leaving marks in his wake.

My breathing, once again, was labored from the anticipation and want; his touch left invincible butterflies in my stomach leaving goosebumps on my skin as evidence.

His fingers hooked through the waistband of my underwear and he slowly drags the clothing down my legs until they were completely discarded.

"Ven." He looks up at me kissing the side of my calf, "Breathe."

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