Survive Part 2

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The hell are you doing? Get up."  A boy said. I fluttered my eyes.

"Open your eyes, please open them." The girl next to him said. "You look familiar." I said out loud.
"You really don't remember us?" The peach haired boy scoffed. I thought while looking into his lavender eyes. I teared up. "Sabito? Tsutako?" How are you here? Where am I?" I asked.

"Where you are isnt important. We're here cause you wanted us to be, but I've come to tell you.Keep going, survive, Giyu. You can't be here, not right now." Tsutako said.

"But, I don't want to anymore. I wanna stay here with you and Sabito." I whispered. "We can be together again, I've missed you guys so much."

"We won't allow you. You have to be there for the both of them. You have so much more waiting for you." Sabito said with a sweet tone.

"Besides you're the one who has to save these people from the demon, you're the water pillar, Giyu, save these people." Tsutako said.

"I wasn't even meant to be the next water pillar! I should've died." I screamed out, I looked at Sabito, "you, you were supposed to be the next water pillar. Not me, I'm just a weak nobody, someone who wasn't supposed to survive." I looked down to my feet and I felt Sabito walk towards me.

"What're you do-" I paused as I felt his fist against my face. He punched me.


I sat there, eye-wide, sabito had never yelled, not during training, not when he was frustrated, never. I got up and faced him, I punched him back, "YOU ONLY HAD TO SAVE ME BECAUSE I WAS WEAK, IF I WEREN'T WEAK YOU WOULDN'T HAVE SAVED ME, I COULDN'T SAVE TSUTAKO BECAUSE I WAS WEAK. I WAS SUPPOSED TO DIE, NOT YOU, ME!" I ranted. "HELL, I COULDN'T EVEN SAVE THAT GIRL IN THE CAVE, SO WHAT MAKES YOU THINK THAT IM ANY BETTER NOW?"  I puffed after yelling so much, my fists were turning white because how much I've been squeezing them.

"You have gotten stronger Giyu, you're a pillar, the best slayers in the corps, you have to let go of the past and face it. You're strong and you're alive. Besides, you have that girl, Kocho, was it? And don't forget about ****." Sabito argued back.

"Shinobou? How do you guys know about her?"  I asked, Him and Tsutako laughed.
"Giyu, we see everything. " Tsutako smiled. I stood there with a blank face. "Everything?" I said with a crimson red face.

"But our main point is, please wake up and fight the demon, do it for us, for kocho and ****" Sabito added.

"I really love you guys, I want you to know that, and I promise I'll slay this demon." I teared up and my voice cracked, this time looking directly at them.
"We love you too, Giyu." They both said in sync and pulled me into a hug.

(A/N, time where Giyu was at is different than reality so like he was there for like an hour but in reality a few seconds passed.

Back to reality,

I woke up, fluttering my eyes open, I instantly reached for my katana.

"Woo! I thought I almost lost you there for a second." The demon chuckled. "Did you have fun where ever you were? Whatever I don't care! Let's start over again, Giyu."
I stood up and leaned against the tree, I used total concentration to close my wounds. "It won't help to much but it's something." I got back into my pose and instantly charged at the demons neck.

"Oh? Much more confident now are we?" The demon slightly laughed, while dodging my attack. "Nee-San, Sabito, I don't think I can do it."

The demon brought out his whip again, "My, how rude of mean, I don't think I've even introduced myself, You may call me Zael." Zael now said in a serious tone.

"I don't care what your name is, you're a demon and I'm gonna kill you." I responded, trying my hardest to not pass out.

"Well that's quite rude, isn't it Giyu?" Zael grinned. I scoffed at his remark. He whipped his whip straight at me and I slightly dodged it, I felt my back once again, burn. I looked up at the sky and saw the sun slowly rising. "Perfect, I just need to distract him slightly more."

I charged once again and sliced his arm off clean, "Haven't you learned by now?" He said flexing his new arm. He caught a glimpse of the sky and reached into his pocket, he grabbed something and ran towards me, he cut my face slightly and I jumped over him and sliced his left leg, it regenerated instantly. He started to back down and tried to get back into his cave, while dodging my attacks, slowly trying to make it into his cave.

"Fight back you coward, those people didn't die just for you to go back into hiding!" I shouted in a fiery rage. A vein popped through his forehead, "The fuck did you just say to me you bitch? I'm done with playing games and just kill you right now." He croaked while gritting his teeth.

I got back into my normal posture, ready to swing at any attack, he sped towards me so quickly I blinked and he was grabbing ahold of my neck, slowly crushing it. He then grabbed the top of my head and pushed his thumb into the corner of my eye.

"No more barking now are we?" Is that what you are? All talk? Where are your stupid little comments now huh?" Zael cackled. I gasped for breath every second and I swung my katana at his neck. I slowly but with all my strength left I pushed onto my blade, slowly but slicing through his neck. He then let go of my head, still holding onto my neck and tried pushing me off.

"No-the sun is coming, let go off me! I can't die." Zael stated nervously, he panicked even more when my blade was halfway through his neck, and even more when the sun became bigger. He let go of my neck and instantly pierced through my stomach. I stopped, and coughed out blood. I looked up at him in the eye and saw a panicked demon.

"This makes me the winner, you've proven my point, you are a coward, Zael." I said in a cocky manner.

"How dare you, I don't care if I'm a coward, the one who's going to die is you." He grinned.

"I wouldn't get to confident." I smirked at him while my eyes darted at the bright sun.


I felt the arm that pierced my stomach starting to disappear. Soon there was nothing left. I sat down to the nearest tree under the shade, I felt relieved.

"Tsutako, Sabito, I fulfilled my promise, I hope you're satisfied." I whispered to my self with a smile.

" little butterfly, I love you."

I slouched against the tree, My hand trying to cover my wound. I felt my eyes feel heavy, My breathe getting ragged. I closed my eyes and soon, I couldn't feel anything anymore.

IM SORRY IF THIS CHAPTER IS ASS I REALLY CANT WRITE FIGHTING SCENES, it was kinda mid and cringe 😣 anyways. Enjoy this chapter because I won't release another until I comeback for my trip, so maybe y'all won't get another chapter until the 20th or so.

Again, I apologize for the shitty fight scene.
Also—who do y'all think "****" is?? 😹😹

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