the sad old past

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Giyus POV

I opened the door to my estate and walked in.

"I'm home!" I shouted out, no answer. Maybe she's not home. I wondered. "Does someone else live here?" Rengoku asked.

"Oh yeah, a friend, ever since the accident she's stayed with me. Never mind that, you both can head on to the back, last door down the hall, I'll get drinks." I said.

They both walked down the hall and I walked into the kitchen, I grabbed Sake and 3 cups.

"just don't overwork yourself and no Alcohol"

I remembered her words, I sighed and put the 3rd cup back and grabbed some Juice from the fridge. I walked back out to Rengoku and Kanroji who were talking while sitting on the patio table. I set the glasses down and Sake.

"Are you not drinking any?" Kanroji asked. "Cant, Kocho said so." I replied. They took my answer and poured themselves a drink.

"I hate to be the one, but, may you now explain about earlier?" Rengoku asked. I hesitated, I stared down at the table and sighed.

"yeah..Well it started off with me and this boy, Sabito. We were both taken in and trained by a man named Sakonji Urokodaki, the former water hashira." I started, they both sat and listened, not a single mouth was opened.

I continued, "basically, Me and Him were good buddies, like brothers even. After our 2 years of training, we were sent to the final selection. Sabito was amazing, skilled, and talented, unlike me. I was weak and useless. We stuck together for around 2 days.

After those 2 days we were separated and went our own path to kill the demons. Around the 4th day I encountered a demon, a much much bigger one, it had about 20 hands. I was too scared to attack, so I just stood against a tree, cornered by the demon.

While I waited for the demon to kill me, Sabito came out of nowhere and tried attacking the demon, but after killing so many demons during those 4 days, his blade had gotten dull...and- It broke. His blade broke, The hand demon grabbed him and I watched him eat Sabito. The last thing he told me was to run and hide and tell his sister he loved her dearly. After that, I hid in a tree for the remaining days.

I came out on the last day, I had killed only a few demons and I walked around to finally go home and I found his body, just laying there. I only recognized him by his mismatched kimono." I said with a slight voice crack.

"Shinazugawa only knows this because he was in the same final selection, He talked to Sabito before we went in." I said and took a big sip from my juice.

"oh, my Tomioka..I'm so sorry that happened to you!" Kanroji said with slight tears in her eyes.

"Agreed, Shinazugawa is a bitch for that, I can't believe he would use that against you, I can see why you snapped." Rengoku added. "I must ask tho, You mentioned a mismatched kimono, is your haori the same one?" He asked.

"yes, the left side belongs to him and the other my beloved sister." I answered.

They looked at me sincerely, "what about his sister? She's okay now right?" Kanroji asked.

"His sister is my roommate, the friend I'm living with." I replied.

"Are you guys together? I mean considering what happened." She asked. I chuckled, "No, she's like a sister to me."

"Just like her brother was like a brother to me, I'm not gonna let anything happen to her. I can't lose anyone else." I said.

"That's so sweet! Then, cheers for Sabito and You, Tomioka, for being an amazing person and hashira." Kanroji said sincerely. I smiled at her and Rengoku clinked her glass with hers.

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