Chapter 46- Let's Have Fun

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Sorry for the long delay the next chapter will be up a lot faster. Thank you to all who read the beginning of my other story Battleships. The first chapter is up and the second should be up towards the end of the weekend. The song on the side is called backseat serenade by all time low.

Shout out to Tsanderson9 for guessing the movie in the last chapter! By the way it was UP.

Anyway without further ado I present to you Chapter 46

Chapter 46- Let's just have fun

Cammie pov

"Wow" was the first thing my boyfriend said to me when we saw each other at the party. I couldn't help it, I blushed. "Thanks" I replied slipping my hand into his. Macey did my makeup, putting more emphasis around my eyes using mascara and eyeliner to do it. She also did some adjusting with my hair. She tamed it into an elaborate braid of some sort. Finally she forced me into a different dress she claimed was too small for her. This was obviously untrue because we're the same size, actually she was a little thinner than me. Either way the dress was a black strapless body-con dress with lace material in the middle and at the bottom. The problem was its plunging neckline. I think that was the part Zach liked the best. 

"I starting to rethink this dress" I admit to him. People were staring at me. Girls looked at me in why seemed like envy (it could also be disgust) and boys stared at me in a way i didn't appreciate. I hate being in the spotlight. I would rather blend into the crowd than stand out, it's just who I am. "I'll punch anyone who comes near you" he told me in reassurance giving me one of his dazzling smiles. I shot him a look of gratitude. Then he glared rather threateningly at one of the guys looking at me. 

"He should be lucky I didn't hit him for looking at you." he practically growled.  And just like that possessive Zach was back. I rolled my eyes but let him guide me through the party. 

The party itself was overcrowded. There were too many people in whoever's  house this was. The dance floor was a small area in the living room. It was dominated by girls wearing revealing outfits that left very little to the imagination, and guys desperate for any kind of attention. I wouldn't go in there for several reasons. One being that everyone was up against each other and when we passed by it smelt like sweat and cheap perfume. The other reason being that I can't dance, I can sway but that's as complicated as it gets. 

The music was blasting from a loud stereo which seemed to be in every corner of the house. I had trouble hearing Zach when he was right next to me. I had to ask him to repeat himself three times before I understood that he was asking me if I wanted some fresh air. I nodded immediately. 

I have no idea why I even come to these things. I know they are crowded and give me a headache yet I still go. I wonder where the girls are, the last time I saw them they were heading the opposite direction of Zach and I a few minutes ago. 

I reached toward my phone to text them. Where are you guys? I asked in a group chat. Their response was instant informing me that they went to the bathroom. I told them where I was going when we made it outside. Apparently this house had a balcony which is exactly where Zach brought me to. 

The view was amazing. The sun was setting just over the trees that surrounded the house. It gave it a soft glow and the cool breeze made everything 10x better because it was seriously warm in there. I leaned in closer to the rail. 

"Cammie" I turned my head slightly to look at Zach. He walked closer and trapped me in-between his arms. I raised an eyebrow at him. "You look beautiful tonight" causing me to smile at him. 

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