Chapter 29-The Worry Wart

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Thanks so much for 8,000 views!!! I am extremely grateful for all you guys have done for this story either it being voting or putting it in your reading list or taking your time and reading it! Sorry for the long delay, I've been working on some other stories that I plan on publishing. Also my sister has been using my laptop a lot recently for work so the next couple of updates might take a bit longer. Anyway I hope you enjoy this chapter!!

Chapter 29-The Worry Wart

Zach pov

My eye was still throbbing as we made our way to Macey's house. I know I know ditching school is bad and everything but it' not like we were going to do anything in class. Two of my teachers were out and we were just doing reviews in the others so it's not like we were missing much. After the fight Bex took me to the dreaded nurse. That woman is evil when she saw my face she laughed. Isn't that just plain rude? Not to mention the fact that she didn't do anything for me except throw an ice pack at me. I didn't see it coming and had no time to doge the vicious attack. Thus leading me to be hit in the head with an ice the nurse. She really has to stop throwing ice at people. Someone should report her to the principle. Someone other than me. I'm already on the principles bad side.

It's not that hard to see why I would be on headmistress's Morgan's bad side. First I broke her daughter's heart, then I got into a fight with her daughters new boyfriend. Not to mention the fact I pushed a huge decision on her. Plus her husband hates my guts. Additionally I had a talk with the headmistress today about the fight that happened earlier. Just thinking about the talk was enough to make me cringe. Let's just say it didn't go well. 


After we exited the nurse (thankfully) we made our way to the principal's office. It was only a matter of time before I was sent in there. Bex and Macey were kind enough to stay with me until the announcement told me to go to the principles room. Liz went to the library to study a bit before we ditched school. Sometime during the time we spent in the nurse's office we all decided to go home. Liz double checked and found out we were doing either a review or we had a sub.

Surprisingly this wasn't Liz's first time ditching school. I don't know the exact details but apparently there was skateboards involved as well as plushies. I tried asking them what happened but they couldn't stop laughing in order to utter a single word. So in the end I still don't understand what was going on, but that's beside the point.

I walked into the office a few minute after the announcement. To say I was nervous would be an understatement. By the time I entered the room two pairs of eyes looked up at me. It was safe to assume that I was late.

"Have a seat Mr. Goode." Headmistress Moran said. Just this once I listened to directions and took the empty seat next to Josh. I took a quick glance at the guy next to me, his face was blank hardly showing any expression, smart move. I felt a pair of eyes looking directly at me. It didn't take a genius to know it was the principle. I refused to meet her eyes scared of the outcome.

"Can somebody tell me what happened out there" I opened my mouth when Josh began to speak. "I noticed Cammie was acting strangely yesterday like something was bothering her. I tried asking her what was wrong but she faked a smile and changed the subject. I knew he had something to do with it." Cammie's mother raised an eyebrow. She stopped writing on her notepad to ask "Really, how so?"

"Whenever we would talk about him" I rolled my eye at his child-like behavior. He couldn't use my name? I mean I use his...half the time. Or I call him Jimmy which is close enough to Josh. "She would become quiet and sad like how she was acting yesterday, unlike her personality. So today came and I went up to him." I rolled my eyes once again.

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