Chapter 31- Sweet Talkers

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First off I want to say sorry for the long wait, I been procrastinating on doing my summer homework and my parents are bugging me about it L I want to thank those of you who went and checked out my new Gallagher Girls fanfic, The Story of Us, it means a lot to me!! By the way the song on the side is Back to the Start by the Summer Set!

And thank you all so much for 10,000 views!!!!!!! I am so happy you guys enjoy this story! Thanks for the support you have given me with your positive feedback, your comments, votes and reads!  Now onto the chapter because I feel like I’ve been talking too long. Warning this chapter may have spelling/ grammar mistakes i missedwhen i was editing.

Disclaimer I do not own the Gallagher Girl series or the quote I used from Harry Potter later in this chapter. Shout-out in the next chapter to whoever spots it!

Chapter 31 (I can’t believe I’m up to 31 chapters already!)- Sweet Talkers

The next morning

Zach pov

I woke up to the sound of yelling. My first instinct was to roll over and ignore my blaring alarm clock. Why is my alarm the sound of someone yelling (and quiet loudly) you might ask? Long story short, I put blue hair dye in Bex’s shampoo (don’t ask how I managed to get it in there) and she teamed up with Liz to change my alarm on my phone to some girl screaming her head off. Liz denies she was involved but no matter how much I tried I couldn’t change it back no matter how much I tried. There was only one person I know who can do something like that. It was obvious Liz was somewhat involved in the revenge. Maybe I shouldn’t have put the dye in her shampoo I thought as the alarm refused to stop and I couldn’t roll over.  

I groaned pushing whatever was blocking my path. I need to roll around as weird as it sounds. I was too sleepy to understand what my alarm was saying. Did I forgot to mention that each day the shouting is a different clip from various horror movies? So I literally wake up to a woman screaming her head off because she is about to die from her own clumsiness. I have nothing against horror movies, but after listening to Bex’s prank day after day I can’t stand them.

I moved closer to whatever was blocking me from rolling around the bed. Although it prevented me from gaining access to my rolling space, it was warm, soft and squishy. I was about to groan again from all the noise (which didn’t stop yet) when a series of giggles reached my ears. Obviously it wasn’t me who giggled, was it? I pushed those thoughts to the back of my mind, it was too early to think clearly. But on a serious note who laughed?

Aren’t I at home safe and sound in my room? I started to panic. Ok Zach calm down I thought. What was the last thing I remembered? Something happened last night. There was a crash…Then it all became clear. I remembered going to see Cammie in her room sweat dripping from my forehead in anticipation and nervousness. We talked, or mostly I talked and eventually we fell asleep next to each other on her hospital. That means the squishy thingy (yes I just used the word thingy) next to me was Cammie. Whoops, I hope she’s not mad I tried squishing her, and now that I think about it, I may have accidently kicked her in the middle of the night.

Reluctantly I opened my eyes to see a beautiful pair of blue ones staring back at me. Her eyes had a mischievous glint in them and from the look on her face I would say she was trying to hold in her laughter. My eyes quickly adjusted to the bright light of the hospital room, and it was then that I realized Cammie and I weren’t alone. There was a nurse in the corner of the room with the door and by the looks of it he was angry. I guess I was wrong about the alarm clock, my phone was in my pocket safe and sound. The yelling came from the nurse. She was screaming her head off it was hard to understand her words. I kind of wanted to yell at her “ENOUNCIATE!” but decided against it last minute, it would only make things worse. I had to strain my ears to hear what she was saying. I could only get bits and pieces but managed to put most of it together.

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