Chapter 62- Holiday Cheer

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Chapter 62- Holiday Cheer

Cammie pov

After that brief and awkward conversation with my old friends, Zach and I decided to skip the last part of the tour and wander around the city. The tour was boring and frankly, our hearts just weren't in it at the moment.

I knew Zach was hurt by their comments, who wouldn't be. They were rude and made snap judgments based on things I told them a year ago while my anger was still raw. Things have changed, and if I felt the same as they did, why would I be with Zach? I voiced my thoughts to him trying to make him the truth. As harsh as it is to say, what they said doesn't matter to me. They didn't have all the facts and didn't bother to listen to them. If they can't accept that he makes me happy they they aren't my friends, its as simple as that.

A lot can happen in a year. And speaking of years, this year was almost up, but before that could happen Christmas has to come first. We were getting close to the holiday, a little over a week left. I loved the holidays, everyone is in such a kind and jolly mood. There is a happy aura almost everywhere you go, I love it. The decorations around the city were breath-taking. We had a lot of time to spare so we made our way to Rockefeller Center, Times Square, and Bryant Park. We picked a great time to come to the city.

"Are you ok?" I asked Zach as we passed by a couple struggling to bring a Christmas tree into their apartment. He nodded and kissed the top of my head. "I'm fine Cammie." When I looked up at him to make sure he was really okay and not pretending he laughed and pulled me closer to him. "I'm telling the truth Gallagher Girl." I believed him.

"So what do you want to do now?" He asked me changing the topic before we fell into a awkward silence. I was just about to respond that I had no idea when my phone vibrated in my pocket. I was 70% sure it was my mom asking me where I was, and if I was ok. The other 30% went to Macey/Liz/Bex. Honestly they all texted me nonstop its hard to see who did it more.

Anyway, it turned out to be Macey (what a surprise). She told me that Bex's phone died and she wanted me to bring her back something. I rolled my eyes, she was acting like I was out of the country and not a few states over. I told Macey I would buy their Christmas gifts here.

"Cammie?" I forgot he was waiting for a response.

"Actually, I do have something in mind for us to do." He raised an eyebrow at my statement. "Are you going to tell me or smile creepily at your phone?" I shoved him playfully. "Bex wanted me to get her a souvenir but we can use this to do some last minute Christmas shopping." For me it wouldn't be last minute shopping because I haven't really started. I should have done this a week before but I had so much work to do and I kept pushing it off.

"Yeah that works out perfectly for me because I still have to get my mom a present." I still had to get my parents a present, and Catherine too. On the bright side I had a pretty good idea of what I was going to get everybody.

"Where to first?" I asked him looping his arm around mine. He pointed to a couple of well-lot shops around the corner. And with that we were off to go shopping for presents.

"What are you planning on getting Bex? I don't know what to get her." He asked me as we walked into a department store. We just stepped into the store and automatically it was warm and smelled like gingerbread cookies. Another thing I liked about the Holiday season was the smell of gingerbread. I could eat gingerbread cookies and hot chocolate all day.

"I got her a pair of leather glove because she always complains that her hands are cold in the winter. I got her earmuffs too because they came in a set. Plus I saw her eying a pair Macey had, so I put two and two together." I thought for a second trying to come up with something he could get Bex. She wasn't the easiest person to shop for. It took Macey, Bex and I a while to come up with an idea for her present. Macey got her a new pair of running shoes, and Liz got her a new duffel bag. Those were all the things she needed but what about the things she wanted?

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