Chapter 11-such an idiot

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Recap:"Our whole relationship was a lie" WHAT?!!?

I looked at him confused. This couldn't be happening. "What?" I asked hoping this was all a dream and I would wake up any second. Zach just smirked at me. I wanted to walk over there and knock the smirk off his face. "Darling" he mocked. The people around me started laughing. Tears sprung my eyes but I refused to cry. Zach continued. "The 'relationship' we had was a dare Everything was a lie." He paused for a second before adding "Gallagher girl." I looked around and was greeted with the laughing faces of my peers. Now it all made sense, the looks I got in the hallway, Zachs conversation with Grant, my friends trying to protect me. I walked up to Zach slowly. He was laughing. My heart felt like it was ripped out and thrown across the room then stepped on over and over, but I still walked up to the smirking beast.

As I got closer his smirking went wider. I wanted to wipe the smirk on his face, and I did. He never saw it coming. I opened my mouth to speak but realized anything I said would be useless so I decided actions speak louder than words. With that thought I punched him straight in the jaw. "Im going to get you back a**hole." I walked out of the room motioning for Macey, Bex and Liz to follow. They were in a comer of the room but as soon as they saw me they walked towards me each hitting Zach as they passed, even innocent Lizzie. With Bex we had to pull her off him....unfortunately. "No one more punch" she protested at we lifters her off my sorry ass boyfriend- excuse me my ex-sorry ass boyfriend. By the time we left Zach had a black eye, a bloody nose and lip and a huge handprint on his face curtesy of Liz. I never knew she had that in her but that was besides the point.

I walked so fast out of the house towards the car even Bex couldn't catch up. I couldn't believe I was such an idiot not to realize he was lying. I couldn't believe I didn't listen to my friends and chose my arrogance instead. This seems so unreal. One minute we were dancing as a happy couple, the next he was confessing to me he never loved me. How could i be so naïve? i asked my self on the silent ride home.

As the driver arrived at my house I opened my mouth to speak. But Bex cut me off with a wave of her hand. "I know what your going to say and it's ok. Just know that we're always here for you." I smiled. "Thanks guys" I gave them a quick hug before getting out of the car and walking home. They gave me sympathetic looks on my way but I ignored it, I got enough of those looks for the rest of my life. With one more sad smile I walked home.

When I opened the door of my room I quickly closed it softly and slid down the door. That was when the tears started falling. I don't know how long I cried and I don't know when I stopped. I knew that I cared about him a lot and this is what happens when you wear your heart on your sleeve.

My dreams were full of nightmares. As soon as I would wake up and fall back asleep, another one would form. The dreams would either it would be about my dad or Zach. I woke up drenched in sweat and tears. I felt and looked terrible. My eyes were red and puffy, and my hair was tangled with knots. My heart still felt like it was being tossed around like a football, I didn't think I could go to school.

It was 15 minutes before i had to leave home and i was lying in my bed. That was when my mom came in the room. "Cammie, hurry up, your...." her voice trailed off when she saw my apperance. Two seconds later she was sitting on my bed feeling my forehead. "Sweeie what happened" she said staring at my puffy eyes. Flashes of last night came rushing back, the party, dancing with Zach, the truth about our relationship. "Z.....z-z-zac-c-ch" i managed to say inbetween sobs. Somehow when the memeory of last night came, the tears came ruhing back as well. Her face beame serious "What did he do?" she said with so much venom in her voice. "He said our relationship as a lie, and he only dated me as a dare." my voice was barey above a whispher but somehow my moher heard me. "HE DID WHAT!!!" she yelled. Joe came running into the room looking scared. "What happened?" he asked looing between my tear-stained face to my mom's face of anger.

My mom's voice was still and even as she spoke, and that was what scared me the most. "Zach told Cammie that their relationship was a dare." As soon as the as the last word escaped her mouth Joe's face turned from confused to pure anger. "He better run fast." my stepdad practically growled. He grabbed the bat I had in my room and held it up. I shook my head making him look at me weirdly. "No" my voice was raspy and hoarse but nevertheless I continued. "Its not worth it." In my head I added 'He's not worth it'. Joe put the bat down reluctantly. Even after this thy were still pissed. This was one of the times he looked scary. "Are you ok?" my mom asked after a long period of silence. I shook my head honestly. "No, I just can't believe I could be so naïve." I admitted.

My mom moved closer and have me a hug. Joe, his facial expression was hard to tell. He was angry, sad, and disappointed? "Joe?" I asked worriedly. Now his head was in his hands. "I made a promise to you dad." he started looking at me. "I promised him to protect you and take care of you, even if it was the last thing I do." Tears welled up in his eyes as he finished talking. "And I failed him and you." I hugged him after that, our tears mixing together. "You didn't fail us...." I said with my voice trailed off at the end. I didn't know how to finish. I was so lost and hurt right now. My mom cleared her throat making us focusing our attention on her. "If Cammie wants to get to school on time, she better go before she's late." Joe stood up. "Rachel, look at her." he turned to me then added "No offense" Then turned back to her continuing to talk. "She ahold by go to school." This caused a heated argument for about 2.34 minutes. "STOP" I said loudly for them to stop arguing and look at me. "I'm going to school" With that stupid decision I got dressed and managed to look semi-decent before going to school.

I made it into the classroom a minute before the bell rung. I walked quickly from my seat trying to ignore the stares and whispers. This continued throughout out the whole day and I couldn't help but regret my choice as a boy tripped me in the hallways making people laugh even more. That was the 5th time someone tripped me or humiliated me even more in front of the whole school, including Zach. I don't know why I wanted to come to school, all I knew was that I am such an idiot for even considering it. Something had to be done.

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