chapter 23-Second Chances?

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This chapter is dedicated to Cockychristy10!!!! Before i start the chapter i want to thank you guys for over 2,000 views!!!!! Sorry for the long wait, i hope you enjoy this chapter i worked really hard on this :)

Chapter 23-second chances?

Cammie pov

The next day flew by in a blur, from the uneventful day at school to the move. I looked around my new room, which looked almost identical to the one i had before. What can i say, it brought back memories. I hung up the finishing touches, a picture of my dad and i at the circus. I smiled, i remembered it like yesterday. We went a week before he had go back to the army, and we had the best time. The funny part was that we told my mom we were going to the beach but came home eating cotton candy for the next couple of days in a not so subtle way. Stilling grinning i put away my homework, turns out teachers give you work on your second day of school claiming it was "the middle of the year" i almost scoffed when i heard Madam Dabne say this. PLEASE middle of the year my butt, it was only October (A/n sorry if i forgot the mention the exact month it was). And then Dr Steve said "we were seniors and capable of catching up on the work" i rolled my eyes, what work? October and September are merely a review of Junior year and an intro to the topics we were going to learn. So long story short, to add to my day i had to carry all my textbooks and do homework. I hate textbooks, they are fat, old since Gallagher high is cheap (note to self, tell mom to get new SMALLER textbooks) big and a waste of space, ,most of the time we barely even use them.

I sat in my bed staring at the ceiling, all the familiar parts of the room make me feel welcome, and most of all they make me feel at home. I guess having your mom as the headmistress and your step dad as your teacher may seem awkward, but it does have its upside. For example you can complain about teachers (except Joe) and know most stuff that might happen so you'll be kept in the loop....most of the time . The downside is that if you get a bad grade or are slacking in your classes or forget to do a homework for your stepdad, they will find out . And then sit you down to have a long boring lecture about how education is so important and that just because my family works in the school doesn't give me the right to slack off and blah blah blah . Thats why i just suck it up and do my work most of the time, only procrastibating the bare minimum.

With all my thinking and the homework, the strain of carrying 5,00 pound textbooks and moving into my new/old room i was exhausted when the end of the day came. It didn't take long for me to get into my comfy pajamas and crawl into my warm and inviting covers. I glanced at the alarm clock beside my bed before i felt my eyes closing and my dreams coming into my overactive mind.

It wasn't long until i woke up from a loud noise. I just hope it isn't my parents having IT again, I know it sounds gross but there was an incident a few years ago. I was young and it may be hard to believe but at one point in my life I was innocent, anyway I heard weird noises coming from their room. Like the weird child I was, I walked towards the sound and opened the door. Lets just say I couldn't look them both in the eye for a month. The image still scares me.

Anyway this loud noise wasn't my parents (thankfully), but it sounded like something hitting my window. My first thought was Josh. He would always be waiting for me outside of me, throwing a rock or a something small. It was fortunate that he had good aim, otherwise Abby would kill him for breaking her window. Jumping out of my bed, i rushed to pull on my shoes and a warm sweater before getting out of my room as silently as possible.

I opened the door hoping the creaking has stopped. When no noises we made i smiled triumphantly and continued my walk to the backyard that my window faced. I wondered what Josh wanted to do. Most of these late night meeting were basically dates, even if i was still half asleep.

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