Chapter 54-Expectations

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Chapter 54- Expectations

Zach pov

The day dragged on and before I knew it I was on my way to Solomon's office. I had no idea why he wanted to see me. What could we possibly talk about? There were so many possibilities. I would be lying to myself if I said I wasn't nervous.

Besides class we practically avoid each other. Sure we can be civil and polite to each other. A perfect example would be Thanksgiving dinner although we barely talked. It was the thought that counts right? I am deviating from my point. We were able to sit there and be nice. I had nothing against him. He despises me because I hurt Cammie once.

I am not justifying my actions. Although both Cammie and I have gotten over it and were able to move on, he hasn't. They might not be flesh and blood but they consider each other that way. The important thing is that I learned from my mistake. It was forgiven but not forgotten. Solomon does not agree and has been holding a grudge against me. I understand why he does. He does keep his grudge professional, if that makes sense.

I was getting more worried about what was to come as I got closer and closer to his office door. At last I finally made it despite trying to slow down my footsteps in a futile attempt to delay the upcoming meeting. My hand was poised over the door about to knock. A slight flick of the wrist and I would knock. However for some reason I couldn't do it.

Since when have I ever acted like this? When did I start worrying about things that I don't need to fret over? When did I lose my confidence? There was no reason for me to worry about this. What is the worst he could do, yell at me? I learned my lesson the hard way that confidence and arrogance aren't the same thing. Then why was I acting like I had no idea? I thought about it for a second and realized I was acting silly. It was time for me to man up and regain my confidence. I have no idea why it took me so long but better late than ever.

I am Zach Goode. I can do this. I repeated this in my head over and over again.

And then without a seconds hesitation I knocked on the door waiting for him to say "Come in". When he did a few seconds later I allowed myself to turn the door knob to step into his office. Regaining my composure and my confidence I felt ready for this. "You wanted to see me." I say standing in front of his desk.

His desk was messy, with disheveled papers scattered around. He looked up from the thick packet he was looking at. Solomon greeted me with a tight smile. "Take a seat Mr. Goode." I did as I was told. "I assume you must be wondering why I called you here." I nodded in response.

"The answer is simple Mr. Goode. I want to help you with your college admission essays and things like that." I had to say I didn't see that coming. "Also if you need any letters of recommendation I could help you there." This day just gets weirder and weirder.

"Not that I am not grateful because I am, but why are you doing this? I thought you hated me." Don't get me wrong I am extremely happy he offered to help, I was waiting for the catch. It got me thinking, was this some kind of sick joke he was playing. If it is then that is just cruel.

"Look Zach I know how much Cammie cares for you and how much you care for her. Only a fool would deny it." I thought of Tina at his remark and bit back a grin. "You made her so happy. What kind of a father would I be if I don't at least try and help you out. I view her as my own daughter, like my own flesh and blood. You seem like a smart kid, so I am giving you a second chance." He looked me directly in the eyes as he said, "Are you going to take my offer?"

I would be an idiot if I said no right? This is the best thing that could happen to me right now. Here I was complaining that Solomon hates me but then he goes to give mean opportunity to explain otherwise. What a weird coincidence. Its a win-win situation for everyone. Solomon doesn't hate me (a bonus for both of us) and I help with my college essays which I have been procrastinating about. This literally couldn't have come at a better time.

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