Chapter 58-Am I?

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Chapter 58-Am I? 

Cammie pov

The double date with my aunt and her boyfriend was fun but sadly we had to back back to school. Its been a few weeks since that day, and ever since we have been spending more time with family. It must be the spirit from the upcoming holidays. I am not complaining though, I love every second of it.

A couple of weekends ago Zach and I hung out with Abby and Townsend again. My mom and Joe joined in last minute, and after that its sort of become a tradition. The evening mostly consists of watching a movie, eating pizza or something of that sort and talking about our week. However we haven't just been spending most of our time with my family. We have been seeing more and more of Catherine. Zach and I recently started volunteering at the hospital. Our hours are similar to Catherine's and for the most part we are like her assistants. Unsurprisingly it was Catherine's idea so everything worked out perfectly.

It was a win-win situation for everyone. Zach gets to spend time with his mother, I get to see him happy and I have one more thing to write about in my college essays.

As for things with Zach and his progress in reconnecting with both of his parents, everything was going perfectly. He was so relaxed and comfortable around his mom and he was slowly getting more nonchalant with Townsend. They were warming up to each other.

Also I know that Joe and Zach still have their weekly sessions on whatever it is they talk about. I have a feeling their topics are more than college admissions. Its a gut feeling. But I am glad they are finally getting along. It seems everything is going well for Zach and I. Our friends are amazing, we are getting along with each other. We have plans to double date with Macey and Preston who I have yet to meet. I can't believe it is taking me this long. From what Zach told me, Grant is trying to ask out Bex and I think Liz and Jonas are dating but its not official yet however they have been on at least one date, I think. I realize how complicated that is. The point I am trying to make is that I am happy. I am truly happy and content with my life now. I have an amazing boyfriend, loving parents, great friends, what more can I ask? Well I mean I would like to go to a good college and have a nice career but I am perfect with where I am now.

Lost in my train of thought, I was about to be late. I was too busy thinking about how happy I was that I was about to wear my tights as a shirt. Tonight was another of our weekly dinner secessions. Zach was already downstairs ready chatting away with my step dad. Its still sounds bizarre when I say it. Its going to take me a really long time to look at them comfortable around each other and not think I ended up in the twilight zone.

I quickly threw on the sweater dress Macey helped me pick out. The real struggle was getting into my tights without breaking something. My hair was already done from the day before on my date with Zach. We went to some of the fun museums in D.C. We took funny pictures and got to see this cool laser show.

Makeup was not a problem because I was with my family and Zach who have seen my look like a monster sometimes. I don;t need to impress them with my makeup. Plsu I always thought it was such a hassle.

"Cammie are you ready the boys are getting impatient downstairs?" My mom knocks on the door before letting herself in. "Yeah mom I was just about to come down." She was staring at my outfit which made me subconsiously tug it down. Her eyes grew glossy. She sat down on my bed.

"Are you ok mom?" I asked touching her shoulder. She nods and wipes her eyes. "I'm fine I just forget how much you've grown. You're practically a woman now." I don't want to seem mean but that statement made her sound old.

"I am far from being a woman mom. I have a lot of growing up to do, you can't get rid of me that easily." I joke around resting my head on her shoulder, just like I used to when I was a little girl. "Time flies does it?" She asked me. I nod, "I still can't believe that I am going to be in college nest year." The thought feels surreal, like a dream almost. "Come on let's go before the guys start pounding on the door," I tell my mom standing up and guesturing towards the door. "Of course."

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