The cafe-Chapter 4

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1 month later.........

I was going towars the cafe to meet up with Zach. During the past month we became close friends although I would prefer if we were something more. I still liked him, probably even more than before. What I found weird was that whenever Zach and would walk together to class or hang out in school, people would smirk at me, I never understood why. One day the curiosity got the better of me and I decided to ask Macey about it.


"Hey Mace i think I see people smirking at me whenever I walk with Zach, do you know what that could mean?" She shook her head a little bit too fast. She just made it obvious to me that she was hiding something.

"Macey." I warned. She put her textbook in her locker then slammed the locker door shut.

"Look Cammie, I just don't want you to get hurt." I was confused. "Why do you think he would hurt me?" Zach isn't like that, he would not hurt me intentionally. She opened her mouth to speak but was cut off by the bell. "Just listen to me Cammie, do nott trust him" And with that said she walked to Madam Dabney's class leaving me more confused than before.I had even more questions than before. There was no point in asking, it just made things worse.

*end of flashback*

I was so lost in my train of thought I didn't even realize I was at the door of the cafe.It would have been so embarrassing if I missed that. I opened the door and casually walked inside. My eyes scanned the room until I saw a similar smirker waving me over.

I moved with quick strides to get to the back of the room. Zach greeted me with a smile."Hey Gallagher girl" I smiled. "Hey Zach what up?" He shrugged. He was acting mysterious lately, well more mysterious than usual which is saying something.

"Soooooo" said trying to lighten up the mood while struggling to come up with a descent conversation. "Sooooooooooo" he said. An akward silence filled the air. "Doyouwanttogooutwithme?"

"what?" I really hope I heard wrong. Zach Goode does not want to go out with me, I'm plain, I'm average, I'm me. This has to be a joke. Maybe I'm hearing things.

"Do you want to go out with me?" he said slower this time. This cant be happening, I must be dreaming. That must be it because there is no way in reality that a guy like that would want to go out with a girl like me.

"Are you serious?" i whispered hoping he wouldn't hear me.

"Yes Cammie I'm serious," He paused "You know I'm still waiting for an answer'". Of course leave it to Zach to crack a joke at a time like this when I am in a confused state. I probably don't know which way was left or right.

"Yes" He smirked. "I didn't even think you liked me" I admitted looking down at my hands.His response came as a shock to me. "Why?". He actually sounded confused.

"Well I'm plain and average, why would you want to go out with me?" Zach forced me to look up from my hands.

"Cameron Morgan dont say that, your pretty and smart and funny, any guy would be lucky just to be near you." I smiled, he always knew the right things to say. "Thanks Zach" He smiled back at me, not smirking but smiling.

Suddently I felt him get closer and closer to my face. Was he going to kiss me? Was I ready for this? When he was in from my face I felt my heart beating so fast I thought it as going to leap out of my chest.

Then he brushed a strand of hair from my face and said in my ear. "Tomorrow 7:00 I'll pick you at your house." I felt my cheeks redded. "Aww is little cammie blushing" he teased using a baby voice. I hid my face in my arms. "Noooooooo" He laughed again, making me smile. One thing i was certain about was that I was could not wait for tomorrow.

A/n this takes place on a Saturday in case I forgot that.

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