Chapter 21-Let the games begin

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I wanted to say sorry for the update being late :( I promise the next one will be up soon. It's that I have a bunch of important exams and then my birthday came and someone wrote me a very hurtful letter. Anyway enough of my problems, and on to the story.Warning this was not proof-read, if you find any mistakes tell me.

Chapter 21-Let the games begin

Zach pov

I looked up into the face of Cammie, a girl I thought I knew well, turn out I was wrong. I looked to the side at her boyfriend. Even in my head, I hated that the sound of that. Cammie should be mine. There I said it, Cammie should be my girlfriend and if it weren't for my own stupidity and pride, she would be in my arms. I glared at the guy in front of me, he didn't deserve to be with her. 'And you do' a voice in the back of my head said. I pushed that thought away angrily, and returned to my senses.

I guess I was spacing out when I was ranting in my head, because when I broke out of my trance-like state, I saw the two of them looking at me like I grew two heads or something. Only one thought was running through my brain, this is not going to end well.

"Umm.....did you say something?" I asked. The guy next to Cammie looked like he was stifling laughter. It took all of my will power not to punch him in the face. I looked closely at Cammie's, but found her expression, blank, almost bored. Two can play at this game I thought.

"Can we sit with you?" she asked, her voice matching her expression. I nodded, scatterbrained and unable to make a sound. She shared a look with that guy and sat down. I felt Tina move closer to me. Great, now I have to deal with that too I thought bitterly.

"Sooooo..."Tina said trying to start a conversation after a long awkward silence of us staring at each other. Bad move.

"So how did you guys meet?" Tina asked as I glared at the couple in front of me, they were in close contact with each other. It made me want to throw up and cringe at the same time, I don't know which one was worse.

Smirking she responded saying "We met when I was in New York I just got out of a bad relationship with this a******. Yeah I regret the decision of ever dating him every day, but if I didn't date the pathetic loser I would have never met my loving and caring boyfriend, Josh." She put more of an emphasis on the words loving and caring, then kissed her boyfriend. He pulled her closer to him so that she was practically sitting on his lap with almost no space between them.

It made me sick, both physically and mentally.

But after registering her words, my heart sank even further. Why is she doing this to me, doesn't she see how much I want her back? No doesn't she see how much I need her back? After seeing my heartbroken expression, a smirk worked its way up to her face.............and her boyfriend's.

Finally after a long silence Tina spoke up. I never thought I would be glad to hear her voice. "Well Zach and I started dating a year ago. Our first date was a long romantic stroll in the park." This time Tina put an emphasis on the words dating and romantic. I saw a flash of anger in Cammie's eyes. This could only mean one thing, this is not going to end well.

Cammie forced an obvious smile and said in an overly sweet voice "Well Josh and I went to a pizza parlor on our first date. Then he walked me home. "Then she glanced at me as if she was disgusted, before adding, "Well I guess not every boyfriend can be a gentleman." Tina and I had our mouths in an 'o' shape in shock.

The Cammie we knew would have never said anything like that. Maybe the Cammie we knew, wasn't the ne we got back. Great now I'm making it sound like she went missing and was found again, like on the show arrow. (A/N: who else loves the show arrow on the cw?) My thought kept going back to this morning, and what she whispered in my ear. Her words echoing in my head over and over again, "Revenge is going to be sweet." I'd be lying if I said I wasn't terrified.

Anyway, Tina and I finally recovered from our shock. What made us aghast left them unaffected. For crying out loud they were practically shoving their tongues in each other's throat. And if the sight of Jimmy's face wasn't enough, this has to happen. I glanced at Tina and for some reason she was smirking. To elaborate, she then mouthed "Slut". But this time, I didn't say anything. Not because I thought she was, but because for once in my life, I was dumbfounded.

I cleared my throat to catch their attention. Nevertheless, they pulled away (reluctantly) and smirked. Jimmy kissed her forehead and she leaned into his shoulder. I pulled Tina closer to me. She tried to imitate Cammie by putting her head on my shoulder. It wasn't the same as them, they looked comfortable and I hate to say this but perfect. On the other hand here was me and my 'girlfriend', her hair in my mouth and my shoulder jammed into her jaw. I heard Jimmy give off a low chuckle. We glared at him and he put his hands up I surrender.

"Cammie, let's go" She grinned up at him, love clearly shown in her eyes and face. My heart felt crushed and trampled on every time I saw them together. Needless to say how many times I saw them together or just acting like a couple. I knew she was trying to make me jealous, but was it bad that I was considering I already have a girlfriend.

Well technically speaking, I didn't consider her my girlfriend, she was more of a distraction to help me get over Cammie. It didn't work since I'm am jealous. Damn Liz and her smartness for always being right.

They got up and walked away. As soon as they were out of sight, we broke apart not a single word exchanged between us.

"That was .....intense" she said. I nodded still processing what just happened, thy seemed to be happening to me a lot lately. Tina was also silent for a second before going back to gossiping. Once a blabber mouth always a blabber mouth. I zoned out lost in my thoughts. I realized I have to get Cammie back, even if it's the last thing I do.












Cammie pov

I scoffed at them trying to act like us. Clearly it wasn't working seeing as their faces showed obvious signs of discomfort. Her hair was in his mouth and his shoulder was crushing her jaw. Still they had a (fake) smile on their faces. This was so pathetic.

I heard Josh laugh lightly and turned to see Zach glare at him. So far so good, or should I say Goode? Anyway Josh out his hands up in surrender.

It wasn't long until we got up and walked away. We laughed about their antics to try to make me jealous. Tina was the funniest.

"Did you hear her?" He asked in between fits of laughter. I nodded. "We met a year ago and went on a stroll." I imitated in a bad expression. We continued to laugh for a while, but eventually calmed down.

"So" he started. "How is your plan coming along?" I smirked feeling mischievous.

"Well since he was trying to make me jealous I can say that my plan of making him jealous and regret his choice is working." Josh squeezed my shoulder, and kissed the side of my head saying "That's my girl."

That comment made my smirk even wider, watch out Zach, the games have only just begun, and he will regret breaking my heart.

We were silent for the walk to our next class, just enjoying each other and our thoughts. When we were about to enter Josh started a new conversation. "So are you excited for your dinner with your mom and stepdad?" He raised an eyebrow for effect. Sometimes he can be a bit dramatic.

I laughed and shook my head, "One crisis at a time" He cracked a smile and grabbed my hand to walk inside of the room. I had my Josh, could I be even luckier?

A/N what do you guys think? Random question, does anyone else love the heist society?!?! I finished perfect scoundrels a while ago and now I can't wait for the next book to come out!

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