Chapter 71-Headaches

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Chapter 71

Zach pov

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, especially when it comes to Cammie. Another week has passed and we were already in February. I have been avoiding most of my problems by flat out ignoring them.

I kept rescheduling to meet up with my mother. I don't know what she is going to say. And I still have no way to tell Cammie we can't be together next year. In the meantime I have been talking to my dad more about this. He keeps reassuring me that everything will be okay. Everyone keeps telling me that, especially Cammie. It leaves me to wonder how things will work out.

I decided to talk to my mother first. I met up with her on a Friday after school at her house. This was the easiest of the things I had to do. I had to rip it off like a band-aid. I don't think I could use that same principle on Cammie, she deserves and explanation.

I knocked on the door, placing my hands in my pockets as I waited. My mother opened the door looking relieved. This didn't look good.

"Hey mom." She gave me a tentative smile before dragging me through the door and closing it behind her. I had a feeling this wasn't going to be a pleasant talk.

"So what did you want to talk about?" I asked her sitting down in the living room. I wanted to get this over with quickly, I had a lot of things to do (ie homework and wallowing in self pity).

"Your girlfriend."


"Do you have another girlfriend?" She asked sarcastically. I rolled my eyes at her.

"What about Cammie."

"I want you to stop seeing her." Well by the way things might be going she might get her wish soon. I have to let Cammie go, it's for her own good. I will just drag her down. But until I tell her that myself I am not letting go. It was a complicated situation.

"What did she ever do to you?" Cammie has never harboured any ill resentment towards my mother or did anything to anger her.

That seemed like the wrong thing to say since my mother's eyes flared up and sees at me. "Her aunt is dating Edward. He is trying to take you away from me! He is trying to replace me with her as the motherly figure in your life. And have you forgotten what she did to me on Christmas! She was rude and humiliated me, not to mention that she took you away from me. After the break you have been visiting less. You don't see me anymore. Her and her family are trying to tear us apart!"

My mother has officially lost it. I understand where some of her concerns are about losing me but she is forgetting something, I love Cammie.

"You are joking right?" I didn't wait for her to answer my question. "We wouldn't have met if it wasn't for Cammie in the first place. As for Christmas, it was almost 2 months ago and she was only trying to diffuse a situation that you created! You snapped at her for no reason taking out your anger on her which was uncalled for. My father and his girlfriend are unrelated in all of this. They make each other happy like Cammie makes me happy."

"You weren't an actively present during my childhood. And now you come into my life as an adult and start treating me like a child. You don't even know where I got accepted to for college. We are both adults here and we can stop point the finger at other people especially ones that I care about." At the end I felt only slightly guilty for talking back to her but it needed I be said. Frankly it's been a long time coming.

"Zach I am your mother you have to-" I cut her off.

"This conversation is over." I told her over my shoulder as I stormed out. My blood was seething. How could she still continue to blame this on Cammie. How could she think that her telling me to stop seeing Cammie will make me leave her in a heartbeat.

The only way I could leave is if Cammie wanted me too. And I'm pretty sure she would once I tell her that I've been lying to her. I tell myself that it's for her own good. Being with me won't help her if I drag her down to a school she doesn't want to go in. She'll hate me for it.

I groan, I keep going in circles. My thoughts are all over the place, I feel like I am dealing with more things than I can handle. I don't know what to do.

I think back to what Cammie told me not too long ago. She told me that I am stuck with her, and that we are in it for the long haul. She would help me like I helped her because she cares. She told me I'm not alone, but sometimes it feels that way.

I'm scared to tell her. I'm afraid my worst realizations are going to come true and she's going to leave me.

What am I doing? I should just man up and tell her. However, am I ready to face rejection? This conflict is eating me up inside. I can't focus on anything.

I do know one thing for sure. I can't tell Cammie about my meeting with my mother. She's just going to feel guilty for coming between us (even though it's not her fault). Great, I can add another lie I'm withholding from Cammie.

That settles it, I am going to have to tell her sooner rather than later. I need to give myself an ultimatum otherwise I'm never going to go through with it. I need to tell her in a way that doesn't make her feel guilty and abandon all of her aspirations.

I sighed, I felt like I had the weight of the world on my shoulders.

I have no idea where to start. My thoughts are all jumbled up. I could feel a headache coming on. The doubts and fear were digging their way through my thoughts, clinging onto them even as I reassured myself that she would understand.

She would understand why I hid this from her, right?

How can I explain everything to her without Cammie interrupting? Maybe I should tell her not to freak out at first, then calmly explain everything to her. I have to make sure she's in a good mood first otherwise she would rip my head off.

So many questions, not enough answers.

I don't know what I'm doing. I am lost and confused. I am at a standstill.

I have done dumb things in my life. For example, walking into the wrong classroom, walking into walls occasionally, careless things like that. But what I did in the next few minutes was one of the stupidest things I've ever done.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket. My fingers glided across the screen finding it's way to Cammie's phone number. And again without thinking, I called her.

She picked up on the second ring. I started to panic. It was too late to back down now.

"We need to talk." I just doomed myself with 4 words.

A/N: I'm back! I'm so sorry for not updating for almost 2 months, things have been crazy. But now that I've finished Rescue Me(go read it if you haven't already!), I have 3 stories, including this one to update. I'm going to try and update a new story every week, but we can see how that goes. School starts tomorrow for me and I needed to finish this chapter today. That was one of the reasons it was shorter. Also, I've been having writer's block for weeks for this chapter. The good news is that the next chapter will be more interesting. I have no idea when the next chapter will be, but I will post an update when I know for sure.

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