Chapter 10-The truth comes out

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There's a party tonight at one of Zach's friends house, I think it was Grant but I can't be sure. Anyway the girls and I were at Maceys house getting ready. Did I mention how big her house is? No matter how many times I go there I always end up lost.

On an another note I'm kind of suspicious about Zach. What was everyone trying to warn me about? I thought straightening my long hair. Whatever it was I was going to confront him about it tonight.
"Cammie hurry up and put your dress on!! we have to be there in half an hour" Macey yelled from her walk-in closet. "Comming!" i yelled back from the bathroom. I sighed but put on my green dress. It was knee-length and flowed out towards the bottom. The dress had little black floral designs going from the neckline to the sleeves and smaller ones at the waist. I wore plain black heels and my fathers necklace, along with black earrings and a black ring Zach gave me. My makeup was simple, lip gloss and a black smokey eye. I took one last look at myself in the mirror and walked out of the room. Bex, Liz and Macey were already dressed. Bex was in a purple dressed that showed off her muscles. Liz was wearing a light pink dress that gave her an innocent look. Macey was in a black sequence dress that showed off her curves. "Ready?" I asked. They nodded and we walked down the stairs (slowly so no one could trip over their heels, which has happened before.)We used Macey's dads limo to get to the party, perks of being the senators daughter and her friends.

The limo ride was fun, we kept messing around with the driver, it was so funny. But soon enough we were at the party. You could hear the music from half a mile away.

We got out of the car and I spotted Zach immediately. He was talking to Grant and Nick. I looked at me friend silently begging them to let me go. Macey sighed but gestured for me to go. I smiled in gratitude and ran fast towards Zach, well as fast as you can run in heels. When I was a few steps behind him, I could hear his conversation.

"....Going to tell her?" I heard Grant say. This only made me want to hear more. I had a feeling deep down that this was involved with what Macey, Bex and Liz were hiding from me. I walked closer trying to hear more about this conversation. "I'm going to tell Cammie tonight." Grant laughed and punched Zach's arm playfully. "Good luck man." I froze, I had a bad feeling this wouldn't be a good night. I knew Zach, if he had something to tell me, he'll say it right away.

I walked towards Zach and Grant. "Hey guys." I kissed Zach's cheek and then smiled at Grant. He smiled back but gave a look to Zach. I looked at them questionably, even though I partly knew a bit about it. "Do I want to know?" I asked them with a raised eyebrow. They shook their heads at the same time. "...Ok then, I'm just going to go find Bex." With that said, I walked away.

It didn't take me long to find Bex, she and everyone else was in the same spot I left them. They seemed to be deep in conversation but when Macey saw me, they all stopped. I am so sick and tired of everyone keeping secrets from me, especially when they involve me. "What are you guys hiding?" I asked straight-forwardly. "It's more complicated than that." Liz sighed. I looked at Bex and Macey to give me more of an explanation. "We don't want to hurt you but Zach-" Bex stopped talking suddenly, then I felt like someone was behind me. "Zach what? Rebecca" I heard the voice sneer behind me. I didn't have to turn around to know it was Zach. He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him. "Hi Zach" I say nervously. He smiles at me but glares at Bex. "Leave her alone Goode." She said coldly. Macey and Liz stood next to her, glaring at him, well Macey was, Liz was trying to get me to come to them. I looked between the two of them confused. "Cammie come here." Bex commanded still glaring at Zach. I looked at Zach confused. "Don't listen to them Gallagher girl." I was torn between them and I didn't know who to side with. This was on the hardest choice I had to make, my best friends or my boyfriend.

They stood there glaring at each other waiting for me to make a decision. "I...I...I choose.... Zach?" The girls looked disappointed, and gave me sad looks. "Just remember we're always here for you." Before I could respond Zach pulled me inside. He had a tight grip on my wrist. "Zach." he ignored me as kept walking, dragging me inside. "Zach stop your hurting me." As soon as he heard me say this he let go. "Sorry Cammie." He looked sad like someone took away his puppy.

"Zach, are you ok?" I brushed away a few strands of his hair from his face. He nodded and kissed my cheek. "I'm fine, lets dance."He smiled brightly at me. Then we headed towards the dance floor (a.k.a the living room) where all the other couples were. When we were at the center, he put his hands on my waist and I around his neck. The music was blaring and the room was hot and smelled like sweat, but none of that mattered, I was with Zach and we in love. This felt like the best night ever despite my bad premonition a while ago. Just then the song ended. Zach and I stepped out, and so did everyone else. Grant came out with a microphone. Where did he get that? But before I could wonder how, he began talking.

"Heyyyy!!" he said, his voice echoing across the house. "Before the party stats again,my friend Zach has something to say." I looked at his questionably but he shrugged and walked up to Grant taking the microphone. "This is for my Gallagher girl." I blushed as people started to stare at me. Out of the comer of my eye I could see Macey, Bex and Liz. I tried to smile at them but Zach chose that moment to start talking again. I turned to face him, as did the people around me. "I just wanted to tell you that.." my heart started racing, what was he going to say. Is he going to tell me he loves me? "..That our whole relationship was a joke." WHAT?!?!

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