The date-chapter 6

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The next day 6:30

I was so excited for my date I couldn't sit still. Bex had to literally tie me to my chair so I could get ready. It was half an hour before my date and I was already dressed. There was nothing else to do. I was wearing leggings, a flowy top and black flats since the weather was still warm. I had minimum make up on to give me more of a "natural" look, or at least that was what Macey said. I had my hair in a high ponytail. My jewelry was simple, a necklace with a flower charm. It was the last thing my father gave me before he left. I quickly brushed away a tear before my friends noticed. I missed him all the time.

For the next 30 minutes i was freaking out about all the things that could go wrong.

"What if i make a stupid joke?"

"What if he makes a joke and I laugh like a dying whale?"

"What if i say something stupid?"

"What if-" I was cut off my Macey saying "CAMMIE!!" I shut up instantly. "You are going to do fine on your date. Just be yourself and nothing will go wrong." I smiled. "Thanks guys, I don't know what I'll do without you" I went up to the and we all came together for a group hug.

Just then the door bell rang.It was 7 so it had to be Zach. I pushed my friends away and ran out the room shouting "Sorry" at them. I had to get there before Joe or my mom opened the door. If they did they would interrogate him. I ran a fast as I could  down the stairs but Joe already answered the door. "Hi Cammie" I smiled at him. "Hey Zach." Joe was awkwardly standing there between us. He said "I'm just going to go to the other room" Before he left he gave Zach a stern look before saying "Bring her back before 11" Zach nodded and replied "Yes sir" I stifled a giggle. Zach noticed this and smirked. Joe just waked away faster.

Finally we were alone. There was a silence. I was the first one to talk. "So where at we going?" Zach smiled "You'll see" I gasped he looked around confused "What?!"

"You smiled" he rolled his eyes. "You are so childish Cam." I flipped my hair in his face and replied "Oh you know you love me." We walked out of the house and toward wherever our date was. I still had no clue where we're going. "Zach where are we going?" I used my puppy dog eyes. There was no way he could resist them. "Nice try Gallagher girl but its not going to work." I sighed it was worth a shot. We walked for what seemed like 10 minutes. The time went by so fast because we were talking. Zach used this to his advantage since the talking distracted me from noticing where we were.

"We're here." I looked around and saw we were at the arcade."The arcade?" I asked him. He shrugged "I hate sappy places." I laughed, only Zach would say that.

We entered the arcade and got a bunch of coins. I challenged Zach to a race to see who got to air hockey first. I cursed my shortness. He laughed and I slapped him playfully. After beating him in air hockey which landed a huge blow in his ego, we headed to ski ball. I hate ski ball and Zach knows that. He's just trying to get me back for beating him in air hockey.

He gestured for me to go first. "Ladies first" he smirked. I glared at him. "I'll get you back, I always will." We smiled thinking of the time I got him back for yelling "Cammie wants some"in the hall. Lets just say I can be very evil when I try. "Your threats don't scare me" he said but I saw him shiver slightly. Now it was my turn to smirk.

After 5 minutes I was failing horribly. My score was 10. I would have gotten 30 but Zach kept laughing and messing me up. "If you so Goode at it help me" (a/n I just couldn't resist that joke). He came over and guided my hand into the right position. "Put your arm lower and relax." I felt his breath at my neck and it took all of my willpower not to shiver. He put the ball in my hand and helped my shoot it with his hand still on top of mine guiding it. I made the shot!! I turned around and saw Zach smiling for the second time that day. He leaned closer and I didn't realize it but I was leaning in too, I closed my eyes and within a matter of seconds I felt his lips on mine. I only have 3 words to describe it, it was perfect. The kiss sent a spark running through me. I knew he noticed the spark too because he slightly gasped. We kissed for 3 minutes and 53 seconds. We pulled away gasping for air.

"I didn't know you felt that way" I said a bit dazed. He looked at me lovingly. "I liked you for a long time Cammie" I smiled, this day couldn't get any better. "I think your gonna have to prove it." he smirked knowing what I was doing. "Anything for you" Then he kissed me again. I didn't hesitate to kiss back. Today was like a dream come true.

The rest of the day was just us messing around playing random games, but we mostly talked. At 10:45 we started walking back home. When we were at my doorstep he kissed me goodnight and then we bid each other good night. I opened the door and enters my home still dazed from my kiss. "Cammie?" I heard my mom call from the other room. "Yeah" my voice sounded distant. She entered and luckily without Joe, I hate when he gets too over protective it made me miss my dad.

She sat on the couch and I did the same. "How was your date" I smiled "It was great, we went to the arcade and we had a lot of fun." I grinned remembering the miss we shared. She smiled back "I'm glad you had a great time, now go to bed, you have I go to school tomorrow." I sighed but went to my room. As soon as I closed my eyes my phone vibrated, it was a text from Zach. He wanted me to go with to school tomorrow, I quickly responded saying yes then texted Macey, Liz and Bex saying I would tell them everything tomorrow and that I was going to go to school with Zach tomorrow. I put my phone back on the nightstand and fell into a deep slumber with a smile on my face.

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