Finding out-chapter 5

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Zach and I spent the next hour at the cafe talking about the most randomness things. The conversation went from puppies to cupcakes to sports. Eventually it became late and we both had to go. I headed to my house and ran to my room past my mom and Joe and rushed to call Macey. She was the boy expert and at that moment I needed advice. 

"Cammie?"  She answered immediately. I jumped straight into what I had to say. "You will never believe what happened." I didn't even wait for her response I just blurted it out. "I'm going on a date with Zach!"The phone became silent automatically. "Mace are you there?" 

"Yeah I'm here." She sounded distant and unlike herself.

"So what do you think?" There was another silence. Clearly she wasn't happy from her lack of a response. 
"That's amazing!" Her voiced filled with fake cheerfulness. My mind kept going back to the conversation where Macey told me to stay away from Zach. Just thinking about it made me wonder. What did Zach ever do to Macey? It was oddly suspicious. 

"So when's the date?" she asked successfully changing the topic slightly. "Tomorrow at 7" I smiled thinking of when he asked me. It felt like it was ages ago when in reality it was 2 hours. Before there could be another awkward silence,my phone rang. "Hold on Macey I got another call"
I looked down at my phone. It was Bex, perfect timing. 

"Hey Bex!" I answered happily, maybe a bit too happily. I was a walking bundle of joy. "What's got you so happy?" she replied letting her British accent slip out.
"Hold on let me merge calls with Macey."
"Okay" she told me patiently. I quickly merged the calls and called Liz before Bex got impatient.

"Ok what is it now?" Bex asked curiously.
I took a deep breath and said "I'm going out with Zach" Bex and Liz squealed. Macey was surprisingly quiet. At least Liz and Bex were more supportive or they were hiding their disapproval better than Macey. 

"When did this happen?" Bex asked. Before I could respond Liz asked "What are you going to wear?" They just kept blurring out questions without waiting for me to respond. I couldn't even let out a squeak. 

"Where are you going?"
"When is it?"
"Are you nervous?"
"Are you excited? "

Finally I couldn't take it any more. At this rate I'll get a headache. "BEX! LIZ! CALM DOWN!" They shut up instantly.

"He asked when we were hanging out today. I don't know what I'll wear. I have no idea where we're going. Its tomorrow. And yes I'm nervous and excited." The phone was silent. I hope they didn't hang up again, but that's a different story.
"Did you hang up on my again?" I said clearly annoyed this was like the 5th awkward silence. What was up with them, they should be happy for me. 

"No we're here" they said at the same time. It was even creepier when it happened on the phone.

"Before your date do you want us to help you get ready?" Macey replied.
"I'll do your makeup" Liz offered.
"I call dibs on clothes!" Macey yelled before Bex could even say anything.
"Dammit Macey! Oh well I'll do.....what  else is left?"
I laughed, "Thanks guys do you want to come over at 5?" They agreed and Bex changed the subject. Soon we were talking about school and boys and basically everything. 

I noticed how slowly they were acting like themselves after we change the topic. This just added more to my suspicion that they were hiding something from me. 

Finally after 3 and a half hours on the phone we all had to go. I sat on my bed and began to read Fallen. When I got up to page 80 someone knocked on my door.

"COME IN!" I yelled since I was too lazy to get up, it happens once every 7 days. It was my mom. "Hey Mom, what's up?" I say sitting up. 

She sat on my bed. "Nothing. Are you ok, you were in your room for 3 hours."I laughed my mom was always worried when I was in my room for a long time. I wonder what she thinks I was doing/ 

"No, I was just talking to Macey, Bex and Liz about my date tomorrow." I put my hand over my mouth instantly. How could I be so careless to let it slip?  Great now she's gonna call Joe. Let the torture-I mean interrogation begin.

"JOE!" she yelled almost making me deaf. I rubbed my ears in pain. He came into the room worried."What?! Where's the fire? Stop drop and roll." I rolled my eyes, my stepfather is so weird at times. "Cammie's going on a date tomorrow." I scowled, I was hoping she would forget that when the funny scene played out in front of us. 

 He sat down next to me mom on the bed. "Who is this boy?" He said dead serious. I gulped. 

"Ummm....Zach?"His eyebrows were raised. "Well if Zach hurts you, he'll have to answer to me." I nodded. "Is that all?" He got up and looked at me confused. "Did you want there to be more?" I quickly shook my head thankful it was over. "Good now I'm gonna go to sleep. Night Cammie," Then he and my mom left my room.

As soon as they left I let out a sigh. That was close. I picked up my book and started reading from where I left off. But I couldn't read, my mind kept drifting. I was too excited for my date tomorrow. Soon I fell asleep thinking about my date with a smile on my face.

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