Chapter 55-College Meetings

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Chapter 55

Zach pov

I stayed up all night working on my rough drafts. I'm pretty sure most of them are garbage but I spent a lot of time on them. Cammie and I stayed up on the phone until midnight when she got too tired. I wish I could say the same about myself. While my girlfriend got a good 7 hours of sleep I was barely surviving on half an hour of sleep. It would all be worth it some day.

If I could describe what it was like not to have sleep, the only word that comes to mind is torture. And its not as if I haven't slept for days or weeks even. My teachers were making it so much harder to stay awake. They talked so slow and I couldn't help but zone out. I actually fell asleep expecting to miss the bell and be late to my next class altogether, imagine my surprise when I found out we still had 20 minutes left.

I was tempted to revise my work one last time, I didn't want Solomon to look down on me for writing so poorly (even though my essays seemed like crap). I had to use up all of my will power to restrain myself saying over and over in my head that it would only make it worse right now.

Lunch couldn't have come any sooner. Anticipation and dread were eating away at me until I stepped into my meeting with him. My essays were pretty bad but I still wanted guidance on them.

Cammie met me outside my classroom to wish me good luck at the sound of the bell. She kissed me on the cheek before trying to leave. I pulled her back so that her back was to my chest.

"Aren't you missing something?" I ask in her ear. I could almost feel the shudder going down her spine. I gave a quick glare to all the people looking at us curiously, some people really needed to learn to mind their business.

"And what would that be my Blackthorne Boy?" She was smirking, I could tell. I was such a bad infulence on her.

"This Gallagher Girl". I turned her around and crashed my lips on hers. She kissed back automatically but pulled away after a few seconds telling me I had to go before I was late. I pouted as she pinched my cheeks and walked away laughing.

My phone vibrated in my pocket. I took it out while walking to Solomon's office, Cammie asked me if we were still going to talk later today. I quickly sent my reply. Getting to Solomon's office was not that hard, it was pretty close to my last class.

I knocked as I had the day before, only this time things felt different. It was hard to describe. "Mr. Solomon?" I say walking into the room. This time he was standing by the window looking out to what I assume is the parking lot or a bunch of trees.

"Great now we can get started. You have the copies?" He sat behind his desk while I took the seat in front of it reaching into my backpack for the drafts. He makes a big deal in class when things aren't double spaced so I made sure to do that. Even the small details could help get me on his good side.

I handed them over to him in silence. He read over them quickly, his eyes darted across the pages. The anticipation was killing me. I was mentally bracing myself for him to flat-out say he hated it. That wouldn't be the end of the world, I could just write new ones, better ones. I think hanging out with Macey has made me more dramatic.

"Well they're good, not great but we can get it there." I smiled internally so I wouldn't creep him out. "Thank you." He took out a pen from his desk and circled parts he wanted me to fix.

"The underlines parts I want you to fix your grammar, the circled parts I want to you add better words and the boxes are where you could be more specific." Like I said before, this guy thinks of everything. He hands me back my papers in a neat stack.

Solomon spent the next 20 minutes helping me out with his suggestions. At the end of our conversation my paper was filled with red marks and crossed out words. I have to say, that guy can be really nice when he wants to be.

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