Chapter 79- Moving Forward

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Shout out to Izzyjean13 for getting us to over 1,000 votes!!

Chapter 79- Moving Forward

Cammie pov

“Let’s move in together.” I probably shouldn't have start out on a note that brash, and abrupt. I should have slowly eased into the idea instead of presenting it right off the bat. I don’t blame Zach for not responding for being speechless.

I assumed he was either speechless by my brilliance, or shocked from the big scale of my plan that I was quickly becoming less confident of. With each minute that passed by, I thought the plan was less brilliant. I may have jumped the gun on the success of this plan.

“Zach are you still there?” I asked unsurely. He was silent for about 5 minutes, give or take 10 seconds. His silence was making me uneasy. The only indication I had that he was still on the line was his breathing.

He took yet another long pause before talking. “You want us to move in together? Don’t you think we are moving too fast?” Not really.

“It was just a suggestion.” I said a little defensively. “I thought it would be helpful to us. I’m not saying let’s grab all our things and move into my parents house. I thought it would be nice if we shared an apartment when school starts.”

“I’m not so sure about it.” He tells me bluntly. While I am happy that he is being honest and expressing himself, I don’t agree. There’s still more to convince him.

“Let’s meet up, this isn’t a conversation we should have on the phone.” It would have been better if I told him this face to face. He was slowly letting me into his thought process, but I still want to know what other thoughts are going on through his mind. I plan on figuring that out when we see each other.

“Meet me by my house.” I tell him. He agrees and we hang up. I put on some shoes, and wait for him a few blocks away from home. I had plenty of time to think about what how he was probably feeling, and ways to convince him to agree.

I want him to see my side and I want to better understand his side. And hopefully by the end of it, we can make a decision like adults. Moving in together is something stable, and loving couples do. More importantly, it’s an adult decision.

We are adults, and for a while that thought scared me. Who wouldn’t be afraid of growing up? And as adults, we can act mature and see the benefits of living together in an apartment off campus rather than staying at our respective homes.

Zach came by 10 minutes later, fairly fast considering he was walking. “Hey.” I say softly when I saw him. He met my gaze and gave me a soft smile.

“How was your meeting with your mom?” I asked him, trying to shift the conversation slightly to make both of us more comfortable. The tension was steadily growing. He didn’t seemed like me minded me stalling, so I continued to ask him about what happened.

“We had a long talk. She apologized and we came up with a compromise.” He said briefly. I knew a lot more was said. He specifically glossed over the details that involved me. I know I drove a wedge between them.

“That’s not all that happened.”

He sighed. “She is still angry, and she knows it’s irrational and she has no reason to. She promised to be civil, but I don’t see many trips with all of us in the future.”

“I understand, she is your mother after all. Townsend is always checking up on you, because he cares. And believe it or not, Solomon cares about you too, almost like a son.” Zach scoffed at my last statement. “It’s true! He slowly came around. My point is that you have a large support system of people who care about you Zach.”

“I know Gallagher Girl, and you can stop using your stall tactic, so we can talk about what’s on both of our minds.” And just like that, the conversation took a 180.

I took a deep breath. Here goes nothing. “Living together will take away the commute for both of us. We can get an apartment near campus, I won’t have to live with my parents, and you won’t be alone. We can be closer to each other and see how we live with each other in a close setting. It’ll be a step forward in our relationship.” I gave it my all.

Zach seemed like he was listening and taking in what I had to say. “How do you know this is the right step for us?” It was a good question.

I shrugged, “I have no idea, there’s no guarantee. I am trying to look on the positive side and act like an adult would do.”

“I’m not sure, we just got back together recently.” He was still unsure, it didn’t take a genius to figure that out.

“We don’t have to do this if you don’t want to, this is a two person decision.”

“Maybe... maybe this would be a good chance for us. I should stop worrying about the negatives.” He says after a while. I smiled brightly at him, it took him some time to come around and find the silver lining. I was glad he was seeing things in a better light.

I hugged him tightly. “We’re going to be roommates!” He laughed at my hyper response and kissed my cheek. “I can't wait to wake up next to you every morning my Gallagher Girl.”

“Who said we were sleeping in the same bed?” I say teasingly.

“You had no problem with it in New York.” He reminds me smirking.

“You got me there Zach.” I intertwined our hands together as we walked back to my house. I texted the girls on my way there to hang out. We'll all be going to different colleges soon and I want to spend as much time as possible with them. Zach planned on doing the same with his friends before the year ended and we split off.

I drove Zach home when we got close to my house, then I went to meet Liz, Bex, and Macey at the mall. These were the moments to cherish.

Zach pov

Cammie has done so much to keep our relationship alive. I love her and owe it to her to be someone she deserves. I will stop acting scared and afraid of anything, especially the commitment of moving in together.

It doesn't matter if things are going too fast, I will own up to my decisions like an adult. And it's all thanks to Cammie that I've come to realize this.

We both come so far, and I can't wait to see what the future holds for us.

Hopefully it involves a ring 😉

A/N: This chapter was supposed to be up a few days ago but I'm moving and really sick so its been extremely difficult.

This chapter is short, but the epilogue will be slightly longer than a normal chapter. The epilogue will take place on their graduation day. It will be uploaded next weekend, the last weekend of February. I am so behind on updates for all my stories its crazy.

From the bottom of my heart thank you to everyone who voted, commented, read and shared this story! We wouldn't have come this far without you :))

I still have trouble wrapping my mind around the fact that this story is practically finished.

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