Chapter 69- Letters and Lies

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Chapter 69- Letters and Lies

Cammie pov

I held the letter in my hands shakily. This is it. What is inside of this letter could make or break me. I'm kidding, it's not that dramatic. But I don't know how I would be able to handle a rejection letter. This letter was one of the colleges from New York. I think it was from Baruch, anyway I was too distracted by the fact that I got an admissions letter.

I take my time opening the letter. I admit that for a while I was just staring at it in my hands wondering what was inside of it. I even tried putting it under a light but that didn't work so I had to resort to opening the letter carefully. I know I was being dramatic but this was something important in my life. Ironically, Baruch was the last college I visited while I was in New York but it's the first college I am getting my letter from. Great now I'm rambling.

I peeled back the envelope and in a last effort, ripped the paper out of the envelop. I quickly scanned the top of the letter. I was right, it was from Baruch. After the first sentence, I knew the decision.

I got in. I couldn't believe it. I was literally jumping for joy. My feet were probably stomping at this point but I didn't care. I was so happy at that very moment. I was just about to rush to the other room to tell my parents when my mom came barging into my room first. Talk about perfect timing.

"What's going on? Why are you making so much noise? I thought the ceiling was going to collapse downstairs." Ok, now she was just exaggerating. I wasn't even jumping for over a minute, that made me sound very childish.

I practically shoved the paper in her face, waving it around the first few times so she couldn't see. At last she grabbed it from my hand and read it more thoroughly than I did. She looked up and smiled at me. "Congratulations Cammie!" Then she leaned in to hug me tightly. "Your father would be so proud." She whispered in my ear. I know he would. We pulled apart a few minutes later where she yelled at Joe to come up here/ We told him the news together, and he pretty much had the same reaction. However, his was more along the lines of "my little Cammie is all grown up." The bottom line was that I was extremely happy, and nothing could put a damper on my mood. And to make things even better, this letter shows that I am going to get more soon. Hopefully the rest are acceptance letters but realistically, I am going to face rejection. I think I am prepared for it now since I already got accepted into one college.

I fell back onto my bed still holding onto the letter. I read the rest of it a few minutes after my parents left the room. It was boring stuff for the most part, just a couple of dates to keep in mind and when I had to give in my answer. So far I have plenty of time to give in my answer. I am going to wait and see my other options.

And speaking of waiting, I was mentally debating if I should tell Zach the good news right now. It was getting late, and he could be sleeping. I don't want to wake him up. But on the other hand, I can't wait to tell him. I could just tell him tomorrow though, I would probably be just as excited.

This really was the perfect way to end a good night. First Zach with his thoughtfulness (I feel like such a jerk now), and now this. Zach was right the entire time, I was too scared to see the truth in his words. I won't make that mistake again.

I put the letter on my nightstand, making sure nothing could possibly happen to it, before I pulled the blankets over me. This was one of the things I loved about winter, being all warm and cozy in your bed is the best feeling. Also, it gives me an excuse to hug Zach sometimes, he is always so warm. I fell asleep shortly after that.

I woke up early the next morning and when I saw early, I mean early for me. I texted Zach to meet me by my classroom when we got to school. I didn't want to spoil the surprise so I just told him that I had something important to tell him. We'll see how he interprets that. I also let him know that I would be giving Liz a ride to school today. I'm pretty sure Bex and Macey would tag along. I feel that its been a while since we all hung out together, even if it's for a short ride to school. I'm scared that we are drifting apart. I know we all plan on going to colleges in different places, it is just finally hitting me now that I got my first letter. I pushed those depressing thought away when I picked them up. Instead I put on a huge smile and told them the good news. They congratulated me and starting talking about the letters they got themselves. Liz pretty much got into every IVY league school she applied to. Macey already told me that she was going to the same school as Preston and Bex said she was waiting for her letters from the schools she applies to in England. It felt nice to talk to them and catch up on our lives. I'm going to miss this. Great, here I go again.

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