Chapter 78 That's All I Ask of You

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Chapter 78- That's all I ask of you

Cammie pov

It took us a day for things to reverse back on how they used to be. We spent the rest of the night together, without a single argument. It was filled with dancing, and trying to hold onto that moment of happiness for as long as we could, because we both knew it wouldn't last.

And we were both right, just not in the timing. I thought it would take us at least another day until we got into another argument. We didn't even last until the next morning.

Zach and I met up at a cafe to have breakfast the next morning. Something was on his mind, he just had some trouble spitting it out. He kept shoveling food don his mouth to prolong the conversation. I had a feeling where it was going already.

I just thought we had more time.

"Let's take a walk." He said once he payed for our food. I agreed and let him lead us out of the cafe. The humid air wasn't as suffocating as the tension.

"What do you want to talk about?" I asked, already knowing his answer. Sometimes knowing something can be just the same as disastrous as not knowing.

"I don't know if we're doing the right thing." At least he got to the point. It still amazed me how much I could get hurt from just a few of his words.

"You are kidding me right?" He avoided my gaze. He is unbelievable.

"You've changed Zach, and not always for the better. You are more stubborn now, it's like you can't let yourself be happy. We are happy when we are with each other, not alone. When I mentioned what I was insecure about, you brushed mine off. But when the same thing happens to you and someone actually cares, you toss it aside. Why, because I certainly don't understand. Why is it hard for you to let someone care?"

"Because no one else has." He whispered, so softly I almost missed it.

"What are you talking about?" I was always here for him.

"My parents were absent my entire life. I had no one to show me unconditional love or what it means to have someone care for you." I never thought about it that way.

"Why didn't this come up when we dated before?"

"I never really gave it much notice until I found my parents again. That was when things really sunk in for me." I took his hand into mine and tilted his chin to look at me.

"I'm always here for you Zach."

"I know." He manages to say with a small smile. At least we are getting places. This may be me being dramatic, but it was nice to see him smile again. There's something about the way his whole face lights up that draws me in everytime.

We stopped walking a while ago, now standing in the middle of the sidewalk. "I can't help but feel guilty." He says leaving me confused. What has be done to feel guilty about?

"I know I keep asking you why, but indulge me one more time." I squeezed his hand to comfort him. It's all about helping and supporting each other.

"I feel bad for making you stay here with me and wasting your potential. You can do so much with your life Cammie, you aren't limited to Roseville." I feel like most of our conversations is just us talking in circles. Nothing really gets accomplished, maybe I can fix that today.

"Zach listen to me carefully." I looked him directly in the eye before continuing. "I stayed here for my own reasons, and a degree is the same no matter where I go. The only thing that will hold me back in life is letting you go. That will be the one thing I regret in life."

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