Chapter 26-I'm not a vampire

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Shout-out to minipanda16 and SoiLTack for guessing the song in the last chapter, it was Let her go by passanger!! Also shout out to everyone else who commented (tsanderson9, and m3lamie!!!!)

Warning there might be some spelling/grammatical errors I may have missed, if you see any point them out and I'll fix it.

I hope you guys enjoy!!!

Chapter 26-I'm not a vampire

Cammie pov

That morning

After the 'encounter' with Zach, I pulled Josh's hand and walked fast towards our first period class. Glancing down at my schedule I realized it was Mr. Solomon. Great I thought, if anybody would know seeming was bothering me it would be him. Then he will tell my mom and guess who ends up being called to the principal's office? I don't want a repeat of that. To put it simply, there was an accident with Bex and Macey when they first met. Somehow I was dragged into it, but overall it was a funny situation.

Right when we were outside of the depressing classroom, Josh pulled me aside with a concerned expression. "Are you ok, you seem worried" he asked putting a hand on my forehead. I slapped his hand away and snapped saying "I'm fine". Then realizing I was being rude to my caring boyfriend.

"I'm sorry Josh, I didn't get much sleep last night." I explained. And it wasn't a total lie, I didn't get a lot of sleep last night, but in my defense he never to me to specify. He smiled, "Do you want to go back home and sleep, and I'll cover for you". This is why I liked Josh so much, he is just so sweet and caring. I shook my head. Jokingly I said "I'll live". He pecked my on the cheek and we walked into the classroom just as the late bell rang. Every single person turned to look at us like we killed someone. Its not we were even late! Sometimes I just don't get people.

Anyway, Mr. Solomon (it's so weird to call him that) looked at us briefly before going back to writing on the board. Josh and I took our seats quickly and opened our books. Joe turned around and his lecture began. "Today we'll be..." That's when I zoned out, and to be honest I kind of fell asleep for 20 minutes.

My dreams were filled with possible scenarios of what would happen if I told Josh about what happened between Zach and I. I mean nothing really happened between us, and what Josh doesn't know won't hurt him. He kissed me and I pushed him away, it's as simple as that, right? I groaned internally not wanting to creep people out. Why am I making this more complicating than it has to be? I like Josh and only Josh, or so I thought. I was so happy before, why did Zach have to come and ruin everything?

By the time I woke up I missed half of the notes, and my step-dad was in front of me giving me an unreadable look. Great now I'm screwed. I turned behind me to see why my boyfriend didn't cover for me. It turns out he was at the door shrugging and mouthing the words "See you next period".

"Miss Morgan are you ok?" I heard him ask. Why couldn't people leave o we could get over the formalities. I glared at the few lingering kids and within an instant they were gone. I sighed leaning my head on the desk. I heard him kneel down beside me. "Cammie talk to me" I looked up for a few seconds before shaking my head. "I'm fine" I told him, but I'm sure my facial expression gave it away. My step-father sighed.

"I can't help you if you don't tell me what bothering you." He explained slowly to make sure I understood. "I'm ok" I said trying to convince him. "No you're not and I want to know why". Why are parents so persistent? I wondered. I glared at the stubborn being in front of me.

I stayed silent, at best I'm missing a period of science. In other words I have all the time in the world, figuratively speaking. Apparently teachers get mad when you miss their class. It's so shocking, note the sarcasm.

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