Chapter 1: Bored out of my mind

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Day 45.... Amon and I have been flying around in the Eastern Blue Sea for the past few days now. All I had on was my armour to hide my true identity. What the hell are we supposed to do now? No matter how many men I have slept with and got paid, I never felt amused at all. Amon growled softly as he spotted a pirate ship with the flag being a skull with a clown nose. I slightly tapped his neck with my armoured hand and signaled him to stop there. I wonder if I can get something out of this.
"The hell?! Boss! There's a dragon on our ship!!", shouted a crew member.

"Huh?! A dragon...-"

"Who's the leader of this pirate ship...?", I asked.

All the men stared at me as I jumped off Amon's back and stood on my place scanning the ship. A man stood up from his chair and walked over to me. He looked down at me and crossed his arms over his chest. I looked at him and noticed that he had a clown nose and was wearing clown make up. 

''Why do you want to join my crew?'', he asked.

''Isn't it obvious?'', I muttered, ''I'm bored and I want to be in a place where I can get my blood to boil from excitement..''

''Excitement?'', he said, ''Well you came to the right place!! Isn't that right, men?!''

The crew members began to cheer. I twitched my eyes at the sound of their yelling. The captain of the ship then turned his attention to me.

''If you wanna join my crew, we're gonna have to test ya!'', he said, ''We can't just let someone in without some kind of judgement! You will fight against my strongest men, Mohji and Kabaji, and if you win, you get to fight me, Buggy, captain of this ship!!''

''Alright...'', I began, ''Just don't blame me if they wind up dead...''







Amon stood by my side as the two people got into position. One of then was on top of a line while another was on a unicycle. They all came at me and Amon, he was about pounce at them but I stroked his chin to make him sit down. Once Amon relaxed a bit, I ran and knocked out the man on the unicycle, the lion and the man on top of the lion by hitting them on their pressure points. Once they fell to the ground I turned to the captain as he stared at me in shock and anger but grinned.

''Not bad!'', he said, ''Guess you won against them, now it's my turn.''

He lunged towards me with some blades in his hands. He threw them at me and when I caught them, a part of his hand went for my neck and pinned me to the wall. I grabbed a hold of his hand and ripped it from my throat, threw it to the ground and stepped on it making him cry in pain. I ran towards him and kicked the side of his abdomen and when he fell, I stepped on his neck harshly. As he was squirming around, trying to get my foot off him, my eyes glowed making him freeze in his place. I took my foot off him and sat on his crotch and grabbed his face.

''Did you really think that I didn't notice that you have Devil Fruit powers....?'', I taunted. I took off my helmet and shook my head to get my hair in place and looked down at him. ''You may be strong but not strong enough against me..''






''You....You're a girl!?'', exclaimed Buggy, ''How.... how the hell-''

''Didn't expect that now did you?'', I said as I took my armor off and putting it away in my satchel.

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