Two Giants, 100 years of Fighting.

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''Mama, why are we here in the jungle?''

''Well, we do need to rest at least for a few days!'', she said.

I looked at Dad and he just shrugged. I sighed heavily and went into the forest when mama and papa's crew started unloading some things. Amon was following me from behind. I kicked some rocks as I walked. It was quite humid. I hated the humidity. So did Amon. It was so weird to see dinosaurs mixed with wild animals. I almost forgot that we were still in the Grand Line. Amon chased a few small rodents and birds around us. I heard growling coming from behind me and saw I was face to face with a tiger. I held my hand over her head and rubbed her head. Amon was taller than the feline so it was obvious she knew that Amon was a lot stronger. I looked to see she had tiger cubs.

''So you were searching for food, huh?''

She purred loudly as she rubber her head on my hand. I smiled softly and saw that Amon had killed a giant bird.

''Amon, give that to Mrs. Tiger.''

He looked at me and gave me the puppy eyed look. I crossed my arms and looked at him. He sneezed and handed the bird to the tiger. Her cubs were hungry. I walked away with Amon. It isn't the first time I've helped another animal. Amon was the first animal I had encountered back home. His parents were killed. It was a gruesome thing to witness especially for a four year old.


Right. I fell to the ground. Well, more like tripped. I stood up and brushed off the dirt off my dress and looked and where I fell.

''A giant foot?''

I looked up and saw trails of large foot. I got on Amon's back and as he was about to make a step forward. I heard my name being called.

''Tatsuo!! Come and eat!!''


Amon turned to where mama's voice was coming from. It only took us a few minutes to go back to the ship. The cook had the food prepared by the time we got there.

''Ah, Tatsuo! Amon!''

''Hi mama.''

''How was your little adventure?'', asked papa.

''It was good. I pet a tiger.'', I said casually as I sat down next to mama.

''A-a tiger?'', asked Papa.

I nodded as I got a spoonful of rice and ate it. The ground began to shake. Loud footsteps were being heard from a far. Whatever it was, it was coming closer. By the time we knew it, we all saw a giant Viking. He had a blonde beard. He was tall. I think almost as tall as Amon. At least I thought so.

''Oh! Pirates! It's been a long time since we had visitors!''

''Oh my goodness! You're a giant!'', shouted papa.

Mama smacked him on the head.

''Sorry, my husband is an idiot!'', said mama casually, ''What could we help you with?''

''Well, I was just resting when I began to see a small figure on top of a flying animal and I followed them and I noticed that there was a delicious sent in the air!'', said the giant.

''Oh! That was my daughter and her dragon flying! Come, sit! We'll have our chef make you a large portion of what we're eating!''

''Oh, thank you so much!''

I don't think I remember much after that. I'm guessing that I fell asleep after eating. I asked mama while we were already heading out of the Grand Line what happened to the Giants.

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