Chapter 5: Orange town

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        (Tatsuo's pov)

I woke up to the sound of people yelling and shouting. Amon walked over to me and licked my face slightly as I stood up and stretched. The crew turned to their attention as I walked past them wearing Buggy's cape. I saw him lean over the railing of the ship and handed his cape back. He took it and look at the land we just landed on.

''Tatsuo! Put your armor on!'', he said with a grin on his face, ''We're settling here...!!''

I looked at him then at the land and went to get my satchel to quickly change into my armor. Amon looked at Buggy who was walking over to me and growled loudly.



Amon turned to me with wide eyes and rubbed his head against my legs as I placed the helmet over my head. We got down to examine the village and immediately saw the crew chasing away the villagers Amon got off and quietly landed in the sand and walked over to me in his medium sized form. The other crew members began to set up a canopy for Buggy to have shade as Buggy laughed.

''This town will now belong to the Buggy Pirates!!'', he shouted.

''Is there a reason why you wanted this place?'', I asked as I took of my helmet.

''Well..- I mean..-'', he stuttered, ''Doesn't matter! I'm captain and you're my right hand man- I mean- woman! So... no more questions!''

I scoffed and rolled my eyes playfully and pulled his hat down then went to explore the village with Amon. I placed my helmet back on my head and spotted a small pet store with a dog guarding the shop with an angry look in his face. Amon hesitantly walked over to the dog trying to smell him but the dog growled at him. I walked over to Amon and pulled out a raw steak and placed it near the dog and walked away with Amon. We quickly ran back to Buggy and I stood next to his chair with Amon on the other side.

''Cap'n Buggy! There's something odd in the sky!'', yelled a crew member.

He used his binoculars and spotted a bird carrying a kid.

'Shoot it down with the cannon.'', he said

''Aye Aye, sir!''

They shot the bird with the cannon causing it to drop the kid to the floor. I looked at Buggy waiting for him to give me orders but he didn't. He glanced at one of his men.

''You still haven't caught that thief!?'', he shouted.

''W-we're still looking for her, Captain Buggy...'', said the crew member.

''THIS IS INEXCUSEABLE!!'', he shouted, ''HOW COULD YOU LET THE MAP OF THE GRAND LINE STOLEN!? And we just when we were here about to head there and raise some hell!!''

''Well you see, Cap'n sir...'',began the crew member, ''Somehow, the key to the map got left in the lock.... And only the Robber knows..-''

''What did you say!?'', grumbled Buggy.

The crew member repeated.

''I said, Robber knows--''


Buggy then started throwing things and as I took off my armor.

''Does my nose look funny to you? You think it looks fake?'', questioned Buggy.

''No, No... It's a mistake! I meant the thief!'', protested the crew member.


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