Spider's Cafe

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I couldn't stay in the ship much longer. I felt trapped. I couldn't stand not being able to move. I left the ship and I sat on Amon's back and let him walk on his own. I never expected this damn island to be this hot.

"How you doing, Amon?"

He turned his head to face me. I could tell he was slowly getting a heatstroke. I sighed heavily and placed my hand on his neck and manipulated both mine and his body temperature.

"Better now, Amon?"

I rubbed his neck and heard him purring softly.

'Atta boy..', I thought.

It's weird that Aliza hasn't shown up to talk. Usually, I would feel her presence around me but she wasn't. I'm gonna assume she had to meet with the other demons, or her sisters at that. Who knew that a demon could have siblings.

"Aliza, if you're here, why do demons and angels watch over us? What is our purpose in life?"

Amon looked at me and stopped. I turned to him confused but I looked at the sky.

"It's almost nightfall. Might as well make a stop somewhere."

I got off and grabbed my cloak and put it around my shoulders. It was getting a bit cool, which made me and Amon better. I changed our body temperature to how it's supposed to be and kept walking forward.

'You called... Tatsuo..?~'

"I did. Where were you?", I asked.

'I had to take care of a few things down in the underworld... Abyzou has been a bit cranky now that she is in heat...'

"Demons can go into heat?"

'Only those who posses a spirit animal... enough about that. What was your reason to call me..?~'

"Why do demons and angels watch over us humans? What even is our purpose in life?''

'Hm... a quite interesting question... to be honest with you... we aren't sure ourselves why we watch over you mortals.... but for all I know, all the humans I've watched over... their souls were covered with sin...'


'Yes... Angels are the only ones who aren't sinful... and I know this because a certain girl I watch over... is an angel.... she was born blind... but still has a loving heart...'

"There are people like that..."

'Yes... even humans have their inner demons... everything they do is for power... money... fame.... it can also be for protection.... but with a cost of a life or multiple lives at that...'

"Then what's our purpose in life then?"

'That question.... is for you and among others to find out for yourselves.... not many understand why they are born.... but once you pick a path... that will be the answer to your question...'

I nodded. Maybe that's why mom and dad always told me to live my life the fullest. I looked over at Amon and saw him running ahead of me.

"Amon! Where are you going?!", I shouted.

'It seems that he has found a place that may have food.... or water..'

"I had a feeling you'd say that..."

I ran behind Amon and saw him sitting on the porch of a cafe.

"Spider Cafe..? What an unusual name.."

I walked towards Amon and pushed the doors to see multiple people inside the small cafe. There was a giant hole on the wall and we could hear fighting going on. I walked inside and saw more people on the floor then at the people looking at me. Three males and two females.

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything...", I said softly.

"Oh, no. Don't worry, it's not a big deal. I'm afraid that the shop is closed.", said the woman behind the bar.

"I figured that much.", I said with a giggle trailing after, "Sorry for intruding. I'll be on my way now."

"Hey wait a minute! Isn't she the girl that Mr. 0 requested to be brought in!?", shouted a male.

I looked down at Amon and looked up to see everyone surrounding me.

"Tatsuo Tatsumaki A. K. A: Heart Stopper. Wanted by the marines for assault, murder and genocide.", said the tall male.

"Amon. Dragon Claw. Also wanted for murder and genocide.", said the girl behind the bar.

"Am I that famous in this place?", I asked sarcastically.

"Quite frankly, yes.", said the tall male.

"Awe! She looks so cute! I hate to leave her bloody and beaten!", cried the man in a ballerina outfit.

I sighed heavily and moved my cloak off my shoulders and held my hand out.

"You should know one thing about me... I'm more powerful when the moon reaches its highest peak...."







"Such a pityful sight really.... even if I have your souls in the palms of my hands.... you're all weak...."

I turned to the man in a swan ballerina outfit and walked over to him. He got himself in a fighting position.

"You'll die here, cutie! Once I defeat you, Mr. 0 wil..-"


"Who is Mr. 0..?", I asked sternly.

"I-I... I won't tell you!", he shouted.

"I'd thought you'd say that... you really don't have an option here... you see that giant dragon over there..?", I asked pointing at Amon.

"Yeah... what about him?"

"He's been getting a bit cranky today... he hasn't had his dinner yet... and he's been DYING to eat fresh, human flesh...."

I looked at his frightened face and felt a grin form on my face.

"So what will it be..?"

"Fine... but I can't tell you outloud... he'll kill me..."

I leaned my face closer to his face and listened what he had to say.

''Mr. 0.... he is one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea..... Crocodile..."

My eyes widened and I kicked the man away from me.

"No wonder he looked so familar that day! Amon, let's go! NOW!!", I shouted.

I ran towards Amon and he flew towards Crocodiles location. That fucking bastard is still alive but not for long.

'It seems that you are upset... why is that?~'

"Crocodile and I met when I was still a fucking stripper years ago.... I gave him what he wanted yet he was persistant to make me part of his crew.... he was still a pirate at that time and I refused. He grew mad and Amon jumped in and bit one of his hands off... well, more like his forearm..."

'Amon ripped a mans arm off?~'

"Yeah... that's why Amon started growling at him... Once we get to that stupid casino he's in... I'll kill him once and for all and send a message to the stupid government....."

      'Those who dare come after my head.... will die a painful death... the same way as my parents suffered...'


"Sir, Tatsuo is heading your way. Shall I call reinforcements?"

"No need. Once she arrives, let her in. She won't be able to kill me.... especially since we'll have her dragon held hostage..."


1151 words

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