Confession gone wrong

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(Buggy's pov)

Well, I had the most shitty day. From being chased by giant piranhas, nearly eaten by a giant bird to meeting some guy living with weird animals in an uninhabited island. He was a great guy. As I was leaving the island until a giant crab came along and tried to kill me! I saw that it was killed and saw a woman on a ship and practically saved me! I thought I was a goner.  

''Thanks for the help! I flashily thought I was a goner there!''

''There's no need to thank me..'', she said, ''You're Buggy the Clown, right?''

''How'd you know that?! Who are you?!''

''I'm looking for a certain man.'', she said as she pulled out a wanted poster of the damn straw hat, ''You know him, right?''

''DAMN RUBBER MAN!! Damn you! Someday, I will settle the score with you! Just you wait! This is the guy you're looking for?'', I asked.

She stayed quiet for a while.

''Come. I have a meal ready.''

Once we sat in the table near  the railing of her ship, she explained why she helped me.

''I see. So that's why you helped me...''

''That's right. So, what do you say? Will you team up with me?'', she asked.

I ate a piece of fish and turned to her with a grin on my face.

''Sure, why not? We both have the same goal. Let's be friends.''

''That's great. Then cheers!''


I kept eating and I started looking back at when I was with Tatsuo and her dragon. I felt myself smiling at the thought of it. Seeing her glowing blue eyes, her soft and tender voice, her soft hair swaying as the wind blew on her face and her smile made my heart skip a bit. 


''Huh? What is it?''

''You've been staring at your food for quite some time, care to share your thoughts?'', asked Alvida.

''I-it's nothing. I was just thinking about someone..'', I mumbled.

''Oh? Tell me about this someone you're thinking about.''

''Well, where should I even begin?'', I said after I let out a sigh, ''Her name's Tatsuo. She's one of the most amazing girl you'd ever met! She's strong, fast and smart too. She's only two years younger than me but she's actually quite reliable. She's even part of my crew as my assistant. And her dragon is such a pain in the ass. He bit me in the foot so many times for stepping on his tail on accident.''

''It seems you like this Tatsuo girl, don't you?'', said Alvida.

''I-...'', I rubbed my head and nodded, ''Yeah, I've had a crush on her for the longest time actually. We met through her stupid cousin when we were kids. She's just so... special to me. If I see her with another guy, I get so mad to the point where she would pull me away from the guy who'd talked to her. But no matter what I do, she doesn't seem to get that I love her.''

''Hm, well, is she close minded?''

''Yeah, I think.''

''I've heard rumors about her and her dragon. They both have a pretty heavy bounty on their heads.'', she said as she showed me their wanted posters.

''Holy shit, this.... this much for their heads?'', I asked.

''Yep. There was an incident in Lougetown, years ago where a dragon killed an entire fleet of Marine soldiers. Another one occurred 15 years ago when a girl with white hair and blue eyes killed a multi-millionaire for money issues. That man had connections with the Marines and when they arrived at the scene she stood in front of them with a sadistic look in her eyes and killed them in a matter of minutes.''

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