Demonic Aura

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''You'll find out soon enough... now's not the time....''







( Smoker's pov)

What is this power? It's nothing like the devil fruits. I couldn't move. Not an inch. Something was holding me down. Her dragon may be one of the most rarest yet terrifying creatures in the world. But Tatsuo was different. Her pupils were thin, almost like a cat. Her ears were like elves.

''What do you mean I'll find out soon enough?! What will I find out?!"

''That I cannot say.'', she said tying her hair up. ''All I know is that we are helping a princess regain, well, help stop a war here in this sandy island.''

A princess? What kind of excuse is that? I'm no fool to believe such lies of a pirate.

'Quite an interesting sight... is it not?~'

I shook my head and looked at Tatsuo. There was a black figure next to her. It was taller than her, It had glowing red eyes and a visible grin on it's face.

''What is that thing standing next to you?!''

Tatsuo walked away with her dragon. The black figure was still there. I felt myself being able to move again. I rubbed my eyes but I still saw the figure. It still had a grin on their face then later disappeared. The voice was feminine now that I remembered. I still need to know what that... thing... was.







(Tatsuo's pov)

Aliza made her first appearence as a shadow. I sensed her next to me. I jumped on the ship with Amon on the railing and nearly jumped off the ship when Ace showed up.




I kicked him off the railing making him fall on the deck face first.


"DON'T SCARE ME LIKE THAT!!'', I shouted.

"Haha! Sorry, Tatsuo-nii! Wait... I scared you?!", shouted Ace.

"Yes... now do that again and I'll kill you.."

"Yes, ma'am."

I jumped on the deck and walked inside the kitchen to get something to eat. I began to remember what Ace asked me back at the restaurant.


"Say, Tatsuo-nii, why don't you join thw Whitebeard Pirates?"

''I can't."

"Why not? The old man misses ya! We all do! Well, at least Marco does the most."

"Pineapple guy is still there?"

"Yeah. So you really aren't going to join us?"

"Yes. As much as I want to see papa again, I can't leave Luffy alone. We both know he is still a child and need someone to look after him. Especially now that he has a crew."

"Still overprotective as always, huh? Well, alright. Glad we got to see each other again!"


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