An unexpected reunion

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''Where is that stupid warlord?!''

I slammed my hand on the table and pulled my hair forward. I was growing frustrated. I was inside of a massive casino. I had to buy proper clothes from the shops nearby. Don't get me wrong, they are comfortable, but they didn't have something to cover my stomach or thighs. 

''Fucking hell...''

I looked at Amon as he jumped on my lap and smelled the table.

''Would you like something to drink, ma'am?''

''No, I'm fine. Thank you.'', I said.

I was ready to give up. At this point, I might just wait for Luffy and the others here. I put Amon back on the floor and walked away to use the restroom. I needed to clear my head from all the noise made in the casino. It was a huge mistake.

''What the hell am I supposed to do now...?''

'Tatsuo.... Amon is in trouble...'


I was lucky that Aliza told me just in time. I saw two people running to the Vip section of the casino with Amon in one of the men's arms. 


''Shit! She's fast!''


I threw a knife at them but I missed. I chased them down for what seemed like hours. I turned to a corner and noticed that they were gone.

''Hah.... hah....  hah.... where the fuck did they go..!?''

I walked back to where I last saw the two men. I was panicking. This was the first time I left Amon alone and now he was taken hostage. I started punching and kicking the wall out of frustrations and anger. I saw my own blood splashed on the wall and fell to the floor on my knees.

''If something happens to Amon.... I'll kill everyone in this damn place....MHMH!!''

I was being held back. Someone held me and placed a white cloth over my mouth. My vision was going blurry and I passed out. It was black. I was knocked out. I saw Aliza in front of me.

'You were taken.... just like Amon...'

''Fuck.. I guess I have to wake up soon... I still have to find Amon...''

'Amon is fine.... but he is chained up and fighting crocodiles with an odd fruit on the top of their heads...'

''Bananagators?! Amon hates those creatures! Those things are the reason why he has the scar on his nose!'', I shouted.

'Is that so..? No matter.... they know to not get near a creature far more powerful than them...'







I woke up. I looked around and saw that I was facing the back of a chair. I saw a glimpse of a crocodile passing by me from the glass. I wanted to scratch my head but I couldn't.

''What the..-''

I was tied down to the chair I was sitting on. I stared at the ropes in anger and was about to light them up but someone familiar began to speak.

''I wouldn't do that if I were you, Tatsuo...''

''Turn around, you fucking bastard!!'', I shouted.

''You know, you aren't in any position to talk to me like that, Tatsuo-san. I could turn you in if I wanted to. Along with your dragon. But I'm a man with high standards, so I won't do such thing.'', he said.

He turned his chair to face me. I glared at his smug face. The same one that would come to me for a service and an offer that I turn down each time. 

''Give me my dragon back, Crocodile and I might just let you live...'', I said menacingly.

''I'm afraid that ain't possible,'' he stood up and made his way towards me,'' It's a shame you still have this hatred for us government officials. Remind me why that is, Tatsuo.''

''You people killed my family in cold blood.... that's why I will do the same to the government and bring them the same pain and suffering inflicted on my parents.'', I said unamused by his tone, ''Quit trying to woe me with your stupid tone, it's painfully annoying, Croco-bitch..''

''Still calling me that name after I have been respectful to you, Tatsuo?'', he placed his arm on the arm rest as his hook lifted my face, ''It's such a shame you cut your hair this short. Then again, you couldn't do much with it especially after you left the Donquixote Pirates all those years ago.''

''Since when did you care about my well being!?'', I asked angrily, ''Last time I checked you're trying to take over this island and destroy the kingdoms hierarchy! You're still the same power hungry bastard I've met all those years ago...''

''So you knew about my plans?''

''Of course I did. The princess and my little brother and his friends are on their way now. Trust me when I say this, my brother won't be so kind when he finds out his only sister-figure was hurt or killed in the hands of a government official.''

''That's why I will send him a message. I wouldn't want to harm a beautiful woman like yourself. After all, I could offer a spot in the government.... to be part of the Seven Warlords of the Sea. And of course, work under me...''

I spit on his face making him flinch.

''Go fuck yourself, Croco-bitch...''

''You damn slut...'', he mumbled as he wiped his face.

''Thanks, I'm very good at being one...'', I said with a smug grin on my face.

He chuckled darkly as he stood in front of me. His hand was on my waist as his hook rested on the arm rest on my right side.

''You've haven't really changed. I like that. I could use someone as strong as yourself to help with my plans. That is... if you'd agree..'', he said close to my face.

''I already told you I won't. Give me back Amon.'', I said sternly.

''You want him back? Even after what he did to my arm?''

''You deserved it. You tried to put your hands on me and he protected me. It wasn't the correct way but it was better that what I did with that stupid pink feathered bastard... be grateful that you're even alive.... if you would've fought me at my greatest.... you would've been dead in a matter of seconds....'', I said in a distorted tone.

''So I've heard.... No matter, you and your dragon will be held here until my goal is accomplish. Maybe I'd let you go earlier if you think about my offer more properly. For now, enjoy your stay here, Tatsuo Tatsumaki....''


1061 words

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